Dave ran up to us, getting in between me and this stupid ass Alpha, " Andrew. Enough." Dave said in his Alpha toneb but made it calm and kind as possible.

I angrily wipped my cheeks glaring at this person that calls himself a "parent", " None of you three are my parents. None of you cared. So why care now." I turned on my heels walking over back to the house.

I can feel everyone having their eyes on me. I heard Baba run up behind me grabbing my hand as we walked back to the pack house.

I could faintly hear Dave say, " Moon Howlers pack is a long drive.. You all can stay in the guest house, but first thing in the morning, your off."

Fucking lucky bastards. I would have thrown them out. I don't care how mean I sound. They ruined me. They couldn't just be my damn parent. NO! THEY HAD TO MAKE IT 10 TIMES WORST AND MORE DIFFICULT!

" Come on love, why not have a nap?" He asked, scooping me in his arms and laying down in our bed.

I curled up into him, nuzzling him closely. I slowly closed my eyes to Baba rubbing my stomach softly while humming. I'm so happy I have him.

-Next day-

Still Andrew's P.O.V.


I know your not suppose to yell at an Alpha, but these damn hormones are fucking with me. I'm always pissed I feel like. Its not that Dave minds, he understands. Which is good cause I don't want him to kill me.

He gave me a calm face, keeping his voice to a regular, " Andrew, I understand.. But there is a big storm coming, and our pack boarders will protect anyone thats in them. If we send them off, they could get seriously hurt."

I snorted crossing me arms, " I can give two shit bout if they get hurt or not. Not like the gave a fuck bout me. So what does it matter!"

" It matters cause, thats what Alpha's are suppose to do. Protect those around. If I let them go and something happens, it looks bad on our pack. Especially if we knew it was gonna happen."

I was done. I can't believe this... And these damn hormones aren't helping..

I sighed, " Fine... But if they came near me I will slice their heads off."

Dave chuckled ruffling my hair, " Man, you and Mary's mood swings and hormones are so similar. Its crazy."

I couldn't help but crack a smile. Just then Baba came in walking over to us.

" I let them know what is happening and they are willing to help if needed." Baba said, hugging me from behind.

" Ok thats great." Dave said pinching my cheeks, " Son, calm this one. He's a little tense." He said, walking out our room closing the door.

Baba chuckled kissing my mark softly, " Aww someone grumpy?" I blushed at his kiss holding back a moan.

I swear, our mark is the most turning on thing your mate could do to you. On top of that, its sensitive as hell.

" I-i wouldn't say grumpy. More like pissed that those people have to be here. " I said tryna show him that what he's doing isn't bothering me.

He hums, " I know love. Try not to let it bother you. You'll stress yourself out." He calmly says as he rubs my hips.

" I guess..." I said crossing my arms,      " Is it bad I kinda wanna beat them all with a fridge?"

Baba bust up laughing, " No no love. Well, except your brother and sister. And Kelly and Sky. Other then that, no."

I rolled my eyes, " I wasn't talking bout them stupid ass." I snapped at him.

" Woooaahhhh moody." He chuckled kissing my cheek, " Don't worry this 4 days will go by fast and they'll be gone. Your almost that big 1-8"

I smiled, " I know, I'm getting old."

He chuckled and kissed my cheek, " Naawww your perfect."

I'm so fucking greatful I have him.

Damn... Legit I feel sooooo bad! I haven't updated in so long...😳 I'm sorry. I was gonna update today and write some more and probably tomorrow sometime. 

But yeah! Everyone wants me to be so mean to Andrew's parents. I think I did a good job 😅😅😅😅 Idk y'all let me know how I did.

Anywho! I love you all my bunnies! Thank you for the comments and votes! I'm so happy I got you guys tbh! Y'all are great. Thank you to those that have sticked with me through this book! I'm gonna try and update more.

Like, comment, share, all the good stuff!

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