13 - The Plan

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Henry's POV

"Flowers, check! Violin, check! Hmmm, what else? Oh yeah, the 'call'" Minra's so into this plan! I just hope this works!

"A-a-ahem!" i heard minra clear her throat and began to dial...

"MINJOO! HEEEELP MEEE!,... I'M AT THE SCHOOL'S MAIN GATE! HEEEEELP-- and cut" She gave me an evil grin and raised her thumb which means the plan is about to start!

"Come on Henry! We need to get there before she does!" Minra signaled with her hands telling me to hurry up.

"Coming!" I ran towards her direction bringing my violin case as she brings the roses. We reached the school's main gate and hid behind the old tree.

Wait, I think I forgot my phone! Omo!

"Uhm Minra, I think I forgot my phone. I'll just go back to get it"

"What about Minjoo? She might be here anytime now!"

"This won't take long! Just look out for her!"


Minra's POV

"This won't take long. Just look out for her!"

"Okay!" Awww, Henry's so adorable~

I took a peek at the gate but Minjoo's not there yet. Hmm, what's taking her so long? Aish, I'll just listen to a song while waiting.

*Naega tteotda hamyeon da wechyeo...MINRA!... oppa, oppa*

Is it just me or did i just hear my name in "Oppa, Oppa?" Geez, I might be hearing things already!

I don't know, but I think I heard Minjoo!

I was about to peek at the gate again when...


Ah! A black van just sped off the street! 

Oh, here comes Henry!

I looked at the gate again but still no sign of Minjoo! Where could that girl be? Isn't she concerned about me? Why isn't she here yet?...Aish!

Henry's POV

I headed back to Minra, running as fast as I can that I almost got ran over by an awfully familiar-looking black van!

I saw Minra looking slightly frustrated

"Is she there yet?" I asked

"Not even a strand of her hair!" Huh?

"What? Why?" 

"No idea!"  

"Have you tried calling her again?"

"'Okay, I'll try..." and she began to dial "Her phone is unattended!...Oh, Minjoo! Where is that girl?"

"Let's try to search in the campus!"

Minjoo's POV

I woke up in a little dark room, still light-headed. Where am I? Ow! My hands are tied together!

"Looks like sleeping beauty already woke up!" An unfamiliar face of a man suddenly appeared in front of me. Is he really a guy? He looks really feminine to me. "Hey Heechul! What are you- oh, she's awake?"

"Duh, Mr. Obvious!" the man "Heechul" is talking to someone who looks more masculine and has a buffer built.

"Kangin, Heechul!" 

"Now what do you want us to do?" replied the two, smirking

"Nothing at the moment!"

There was another man sitting at a corner but i can't quite make up his face! There's just not enough light!

"WHO ARE YOU?? WHY DID YOU TAKE ME HERE?!" I screamed with all my might hoping someone outside would hear.

"Oh we're just here to play a little game with you! " said Heechul

Oh, if I could just untie myself! Wait, they did not tie the rope tight enough which means i could escape. Okay, the plan is I'll untie myself, grab the arm of Kangin and flip him over Heechul then I'll go straight to the door. Wait, where IS the door? I searched the whole place.

"Tryingto formulate an escape plan missy?"

Said the man in the corner and the other two laughed.

I need to find the door AND the proper timing. Maybe a high kick would do straight on the man in the corner's face!

Then suddenly i heard a loud bang behind me which came from,... THE DOOR!

There was a man at the door catching his breath. But it was too bright that the 3 men covered their faces with their hands... Now's my chance...

I did everything according to plan and in merely 5seconds I had them all off their feet!

At the exact moment the man at the door began to speak so fast



I ran towards him, as though I acted upon my impulse, and I hugged him with tears began falling off my face.

He hugged back and when i released him he shouted angrily over the 3 men


"'IT WAS HIS IDEA!" said the 2 simultaneously pointing at Kyuhyun


You are so dead to me


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