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The streets were loud and crowded. I stayed in between Thomas and Newt, considering if something were to happen, I wouldn't be able to protect myself as well as I used to. 

"We stay together, no one gets left behind." Thomas shouted over the other voices. You could tell how angry the people were, the people who were refused their chance to live inside the walls. Safe from the virus.

A truck rolled down the middle of the street, men wearing gas masks sitting on the top, screaming "They hide behind their walls! It's time we fight back!"  Cheers erupted through the air. I pulled the hood of Newt's jacket up and over my head. My shoulder felt better, but I still didn't have full range of motion. 

One of the men on the truck, stared Thomas down. I gripped his arm, and motioned towards the guy. Thomas couldn't recognize him because he had a mask on. As Thomas was looking away from me, I could see something in his neck glow. But it was probably nothing, I'm just seeing things. 

There was a large amount of people rioting in front of the doors to the city.

"That's it, that's our way in!" Thomas shouted back to us. I could feel a hand pressed to my back as they helped guide me through the people. Newt hasn't left my side since we got out of the truck.

"Are you alright?" He asked, bending down a little so he was closer to my ear. I nodded, 

"Thanks." I hate to admit it, but I kind of liked the way Newt was babying me. I guess it's just nice to for once be the one that's getting taken care of, and not looking after everyone but myself. 

The people were now screaming out chants, clearly getting angrier. Thomas led the way, weaving between everyone.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into." Frypan mumbled. 

The people were now throwing things towards the doors, their screams getting louder. From the corner of my eye I could see the men in the gas masks pushing people to the side, coming closer to us.

"Thomas, this doesn't feel right." I said, gripping onto his jacket, attempting to pull him back towards us. Newt looked over his shoulder, and noticed the men too.

"We have to go, now." He said sternly. Before Thomas could react, a loud screeching noise came from the wall. The crowd grew silent, as did we. You could hear mechanical noises too, and all at once, I saw large machines with red lights pointing towards us.

The screams of angry quickly turned into screams of horror as a missile was shot in front of us.  Without hesitation, the four of us turned on our heel, sprinting as fast as your legs could carry us. I could feel the wound in my arm tear, and I began slowing down.

"Thomas!" I screamed, no longer being able to keep up. Thomas turned around and ran towards me. He swiftly picked me up bridal style, and continued to run. The screams echoed throughout the streets. I could see the men with the masks running towards us, but before I could say anything Thomas had been pushed, and lost his balance. I toppled out of his arms and onto the pavement. My cheek slid along the gravel, and groans escaped my lips. 

"Spencer!" I heard Newt yell, I looked up and saw the men shoving them into a van. Before I could speak, a pair of large hands picked me up and began dragging me away. I attempted to fight them, but it was no use. In one swift motion they threw me into the back of a van, and hopped in behind me. I shot up, attempting to strike, but they had a gun pointed at my head. I sunk to the back of the van, grabbing my shoulder, wincing in pain. 


Once the van stopped, so did my heart. The doors opened and the man jumped out. I followed suit, hot on his heels. I could hear familiar voices yelling, and I looked up to see the people who saved my life.

"Where is she?" Newt yelled, grabbing one of the men by the collar. Thomas had his fist aligned with a mans face,  

"Tell us!" Thomas screamed.

"Hey! It's ok, i'm right here." I said, trying to calm them down. They both dropped their men, and Newt was the first one to jog over to me, hugging me gently. I wrapped my arm around his neck, holding him close. 

"I'm ok." I said, pulling back. He cupped my face in his hands, checking me over for any cuts or bruises.  

"What do you want? Who are you?" Thomas demanded of the man standing in front of him. I leaned on Newt for support. The man grabbed onto his helmet and swiftly pulled it off of his head. 

The boys faces all fell. I could feel every muscle in Newts body tense up at the tall man. 

"Hey, Greenie." He said to Thomas.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Newt. He didn't even share eye contact me, the man's name left Newt's lips with fury.


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