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The walk back to the place they were taking to me was awkward. I silently followed behind the group of boys, as they laughed and jokingly shoved each other around. I placed my right hand over my elbow, attempting to stop the gash from bleeding. A darker skin boy noticed, turning his head around to take in my bloody appearance.

"Don't worry, we aren't that far now. We have people who will be able to help you." He said sweetly, with a smile.

I nodded towards the boy with a small smile. I still wasn't sure if I could trust them, and i'm going to keep my guard up.

As we kept walking, we began to approach what seemed to be an abandoned place, there was also a large boat in the water, on the opposite side. I took in my surroundings, and planted my feet, not knowing if I should go with them any further. For all I know, they could have taken me here to kill me.

The guy who I believe is Newt, turned around on his heel and raised his eyebrows at me. He folded his arms across his chest and took a step towards me. I mimicked his actions, but took a step backwards. The two boys behind him started snickering to one another.

"Alright sweetheart, you have two options. You can turn around, and run back to live with those monsters. Or, you can come with us and meet our group." He said, smirking intently. His british accent was thick and made my heart flutter at his words.

I lifted my chin up, I walked past him and stood right between Thomas and the dark-skinned boy. I returned the smirk. He chuckled lightly,

"Alright, princess. Lets go."


The boys had introduced me to just about everyone. I didn't say much, normally just greeted them with a smile. Most of them looked at me with fear or sorrow. My clothes were ripped just about everywhere, My hair was tied back in a ponytail. Blood and dirt covered almost every inch of my body. Thomas said that he was taking me to one of his friends, he said that she would be able to help me get cleaned up and get any medical things I need.

He led me towards a tent, and once we reached it he pulled back th opening, and motioned for me to go in. I ducked my head and entered the tent, Thomas hot on my heels.

"Hey Brenda, this is Spencer. She was in the tunnels." Thomas said to a girl, who was sitting at a desk.

She spun around on her chair and looked me over. "You look like a hot mess." She said, standing up.

Normally, I would get super offended if someone made that remark. But i just laughed, "Yeah, not my greatest look."

She smiled, and turned to Thomas. "Anything on Minho yet?" She asked, standing up and walking towards her dresser. She pulled out a pair of black jeans, and a grey t-shirt, and placed them out in front of me to take.

I smiled and mumbled a 'thank you', taking the clothes from her hands.

"He wasn't in the train car, and we were told we can't go and get him. We figured out where he would be." Thomas said. I glanced over at him, and you could see the change in his attitude. His gaze is hard, and his chest expanded, creating a scary aroma.

Brenda looked over at me, and nodded and Thomas. I could tell that they were having a conversation without words, but i tried not to pay attention.

"Well, i'll leave you two to it." Thomas said with a smile, and with that he was gone.

"I have running water in the other room, there's a shower in there so you can wash yourself off.. Here," She placed the clothes in my hands. "I'll meet you back in here in 30." She said and exited the tent in a hurry. 

I stood there pretty much dumbfounded for a minute or two, trying to register in my mind what i'm doing here. I turned the corner and entered her bathroom, the floor was all tile, with a couple cracks, and a silver nosel on the ceiling. I turned the lever that was on the wall, and all at once, cool water came squirting out of the shower head. 

I pulled the pony tail out of my hair, letting my hair fall down my back. I carefully peeled my clothes away. They stuck to my skin from all the dried blood. I winced, ripping them off like a bandaid. I piled my clothes into a pile and stepped underneath the flow of the water. Chills went through my whole body, as the cool water ran along my skin. I ran my hands along my body, gently scrubbing any dirt off.

I stayed in the shower for 15 minutes, enjoying the clean feeling. I turned the lever again to stop the water from falling. I rung the water out of my hair, and walked over to where I placed the clothes that she had lent me. I slipped on the jeans and the shirt, and pulled on my brown boots. I grabbed my green army jacket and pulled it over my shoulders. I put my knife holder around my left thigh, and my gun holster around my waist. 

I walked back into the room here I first met Brenda, and she was sitting in the same chair. 

"Thank you again for the clothes, I really appreciate it." I said to her, smiling. She looked up at my and returned the gesture.

"Well I gotta say, you do look nicer without all the dirt." She said giggling.

"Feel a lot better too." 



This was like a filler chapter, I promise that it will get better! This  is my first story, so i'm not 100% on how to do things. I'm trying my best:) Make sure you comment your thoughts!!

Love, E<3

Somewhere in Neverland - TDC; NewtМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя