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I ran,

I ran, running being all I was used to anymore. It was like I was running a marathon, but only this time, with broken bones and a fading heartbeat. And to top it all off, flesh eating cranks chasing me. Miles is what it seemed like. I stopped keeping track of the steps, of the breaths, of the beats of my fragile heart. It was too much of a hassle to keep track of my shallow expectancy and the cracks among me. The creatures that were nothing but ruthless flesh feeding monsters started to creep up behind me, trying desperately to catch their next meal, me.

With nothing but the cold dagger that hung at my fingertips, I was useless and done for, for I was alone. I was left alone to defend my smaller-sized self in a world of monsters so much crueler and evil hearted then I could ever be. But then again i've been alone for so long that i'm beginning to forget who I am and what my purpose is. With each crisp drawn out step that I ran, I felt a piece of myself die inside. I was afraid that I too would soon be numb. But I can not allow that, the world have taken everything from me. My family, my friends, and my home. They always killed and they always won.

The legs that were carrying my upper body through the pavement that the tunnel provided, began failing me and caving, drawing forward with every step. Like my knees were wasted rubber bands that had been used to many times, they were finally ready to snap. And they did. Rejecting myself of a mouthful of dirt and rocks, I landed on my stomach, my cheek sliding along the ground harshly, burning and ripping my skin. The screams of the cranks being the only thing that told me I was still alive. The only thing telling me I wasn't gone, yet.

Attempting to push myself up to my elbows, I was denied as a body that reeked of dead and destruction collapsed on my body. Bleeding horribly at the elbow, I extended my arms out, resisting the crank access to my flesh with the little amount of strength left inside of me. I struggled to keep my arms steady, to keep my mind from losing itself. I used every desperate action I could think of to keep his teeth from sinking into my neck. Although in all honesty, there is nothing left for me to live for besides myself.

The crank stretched down desperately for my flesh. The reeking of the flesh and dried blood from the other survivors that once walked the earth like me, littered and drenched him from head to toe. With a quiver folding at my arms, the thought that crossed my mind was deadly, my death was edging closer and closer. But suddenly, with a twisting at my eardrums and a pounce at my heart, the air vibrates violently at the noise.

A shot. A single shot.   

The horrid creature, the one with teeth sharper than daggers fell limb, thudding down on my body and I coughed, oxygen rippling at my lungs as the rotted skin ravaged through my senses. My head flew from side to side, in need of finding the source of the gunshot. And then finally, all at once my eyes trained on a figure. A boy stood with his gun shaking in his hand and watched me with wide eyes. Being yards off his eyes shown a vibrant green. They were wide and alarming, they pierced through me. Concern and caution dreading his gaze. I felt  my insides crawl at the body that laid on my own, I lifted my gaze from the boy which I felt a mix of relief and fear for and pushed the walker off of myself. I began to push myself up from the pavement, arms bending back. I was cut off in a way from the boy holstering his gun and shifting towards me and shoved a hand out in front of me.

The dirt covered hand offered the unknown, the fear, the death, and the destruction that I wanted to separate myself from. His eyes were now wider than before, his hand was shaking. I had a choice, I could stand up and run or I could take his hand and walking into the unknown willingly.

"Are you alright?" He asked, fear undercoating his words as I finally, with whatever there was inside of me, took his hand. His voice held a softer tone than I expected. I thought it would be more rugged and rough around the edges.

Somewhere in Neverland - TDC; NewtWhere stories live. Discover now