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Anthro – An animal with a body structure that matches that of a human.  Slight variations such as a tail, muzzle, fur and horns are a possibility based on the animal parts of the anthro, i.e. a beak in place of a normal mouth for an eagle anthro.

Oru – Name for the wolf anthro race.  Derived from the Gypsy word for wolf, orú.

Torona – Name for the bull anthro race.  Derived from the Spanish word for bull, toro.

Cavalon – Name for the horse anthro race.  Derived from the Portuguese word for horse, cavalo.

Ursan – Name for the bear anthro race.  Derived from the Latin word for bear, ursa.

Gatori – Name for the feline anthro race.  Only large cats are present in the appearances of Gatori, like the tiger and leopard.  Derived from the Spanish word for cat, gato.

Sokoan – Name for the hawk and eagle anthro race.  Derived from the Croatian word for hawk, sokol.

Toloan – Name for the sheep anthro race.  Derived from the Portuguese word for sheep, tolo.

Daino – Name for the deer anthro race. Derived from the Italian word for deer, daino.

Asiru – Name for the snake anthro race.  Derived from the Aymaran term for snake, asiru.

Biomech – Shorthand term for Biomechanics, or the use of biological signals to operate mechanical devices, such as prosthetic limbs.

AI – Acronym for artificial intelligence.  A computer program that mimics human emotion and thinking ability.

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