The game we invented was to blow bubbles into the air and burst each others’. It was fun to watch them disappear like they never existed, and we were pushing around like kids to win.

“I really like this, you know?” he bought more for Arhaan, since he loved making bubbles all the time. Hell, even I did- it was so much fun!

“See, it’s good to get immature at times.” I smiled as we walked down the road as the rush hour crowd started fading away. It was getting dark now, a signal for the youth of the city to get out for the entire night.

“I wish we could go to the Virat again.” I sighed, passing by the Tiger Gate. It was an old navy ship, kept there for the public to visit. But it was kept close for most of the year, for security reasons. It was tragic really, since I had gone only once with Sohail and I still remembered the amazing experience I had running up and down the runway for fighter jets.

“Give me a minute.” He got his phone out and made some urgent calls to people. He wasn’t the one to use his power and influence for random things, and him doing that tonight made me feel even more special.

“Done.” He grinned as one navy personnel opened the gates from the inside and invited us inside. We went in, and I immediately cringed back eyeing the gun tucked in the trousers.

“I know when to use it, and a defenseless kid will definitely not be a victim.” The sergeant looked at me and I nodded. Arbaaz gave my hand a little squeeze and I kept walking. I refused to go visit the weapons section and both of them didn’t push me to. I still hated guns, rifles, machine guns, bullets and anything connected to terrorism.

“This is the most important section of the entire ship. The fighter jet dock.” The navy person was smart, he had this aura that intimidated anyone easily. Dark and tall, he was obviously one heck of a fighter.

“I love them.” I went over to one of the pointed jets, circling it. It looked fierce, invincible at any cost. But at the same time I wished human had never found a reason to make these, never invented war, never turned into vicious killers. Don’t get me wrong, I respected the army, navy, air force and other security immensely. But it felt immoral- just the concept of killing innocents over oil or gas or territory felt completely incorrect ethically. Keeping them for defense was one thing, and using them to murder was another.

“She’s a beauty in herself.” He ran a hand through its lower base and I saw Arbaaz standing near the rear of the ship.

“Hey-my-brother-who-I-think-is-bipolar.” I went up to him and he chuckled.

“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” I stared into the ocean as dark as the human soul. On the other side were the city lights, gleaming in glory of power and money.

“That it is.” He nodded and I snuggled into him. It was getting cooler now, and I had worn halter neck. He rubbed my arms and I mumbled into his chest.

“Don’t you wanna make the entire world listen?” I stood up on the higher step and took support of the pole I didn’t fall off.

“You scare me. Get down.” He got closer to me, to make sure he could jump in right behind me if I accidently (or intentionally) fell into the waters.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” I gave him a hand and he climbed up abruptly.

“Yell something you always wanted someone to know.” I encouraged and he thought for a moment.

“I will survive this crazy time, and I’ll do it good!” he yelled into the bitter, humid air and I grinned. I knew he would, even if he didn’t himself.

“Your chance.” He pressed and I didn’t even have to think.

“I’m alive, and I will make the most of my life. Burn Tango, rot in hell. Same goes for you Mason!” I cried and was sure they heard me. I wasn’t the one who believed in supernatural stuff, but it gave me atleast some amount of satisfaction in assuming they knew I was alive and that I’d make it back. I promised I’d do everything humanely possible to get back, to show the world that the show was still on.

“Come on.” Arbaaz got down and have me hand so the clumsy me didn’t fall off. We turned around to come face to face with a stone faced Sergeant. Shit, we were on a navy ship yelling like idiots. Maybe he’d consider using his gun on a kid now.

“It’s alright, I may or may not have done something similar when I was training.” He let out a small smile and I let out a sigh of relief. He led us out, and just as Arbaaz was out of hearing range he whispered into my ear.

“One of my friends was in charge of the mission to rescue students of your school. From what I’ve heard of him, you sure deserve a salute.”

“No, no. What I did was to save myself and people I loved. What you do, to fight everyday to save unknown people, to assure they can sleep in safety and work in peace. That deserves salute.”

He smiled a little again and opened the gates for us to get out. We slipped out and walked to our car, which was sitting there in peace as people gave it second looks. Obviously, this one wasn’t even out in the Indian market yet. As we got in a few photos were clicked on mobile cameras and I didn’t mind. It was too perfect a day to care about fans. In fact I was grateful today for so much love we received.


BeingAlisha : Finally @ArbaazKhan learnt how to let go and have fun!

BeingSalmanKhan : And the one normal person of our family finally joins the insane club. Good to know! RT @BeingAlisha : Finally @ArbaazKhan learnt how to let go and have fun!

BeingSalmanKhan : why is he not online?!

BeingAlisha : @BeingSalmanKhan He’s driving! And he says no he hasn’t gone insane like all of us. *sigh*

BeingSalmanKhan : @BeingAlisha don’t worry, we both will take @ArbaazKhan out one day…he WILL go insane!

BeingAlisha : @BeingSalmanKhan he says he won’t let the day come!

BeamPrincessRoo : @BeingAlisha it’s official, Mumbai is a cool city! I was roaming around at 12 at night and it’s perfectly safe!

BeingAlisha : @BeamPrincessRoo I know, that’s why I love the city! :D

BeingSalmanKhan : @BeingAlisha don’t worry, we’ll drag him along. But gtg now, tc! :)

BeingAlisha : @BeingSalmanKhan okies, bye! Safe journey! :D

BeamPrincessRoo : @BeingAlisha know anymore cool places? We have to hang out more! Oh, and it’s been years since I met @Aryanisback and @Sara_T

BeingAlisha : @BeamPrincessRoo you still remember them? Cool memory! Yeah, we all can hang out…tomorrow maybe? Stay back after gym!

So, twitter basically decided my schedule nowadays. Anyways, I got to DM with Adrian later, since we couldn’t chat with mentions and replies. Having our relationship under the wraps was killing me, but just chatting with him was so much. Basically, we missed each other bad and were dying to meet again. 


Thought since Arbaaz would appear less in the book (he's gonna move out, remember?) I'll write a chapter about them too!

And oh, the navy ship does exist. And I did what she did too, lol! :P BUT, I was very little then! 

Help me with choosing a cover! Which one's better? The options are the one which is on right or the one at present!! Thanks!!

COMMENT! VOTE! FAN! thanks! love you guys! <3 XD

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