Chapter 12: Too Cool for School

Start from the beginning

     "Raven! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" Harry growled.

     I groaned and covered the pillow on top of my face, "5 more minutes!" I screamed. My eyes still wanted to close but the loud hard knocks makes want to go out and punch him.

     "Don't let me pull you out of bed Raven!" He threatened.

     I sighed lazily, "Okay! I'm up! Plus the door isn't locked!" I annoyingly replied. 

    "Great!" He exclaimed and quickly came in with a tray full of food in his hands, "What about a breakfast in bed?" He coolly said. I rolled my eyes but curved my lips into a smile. I quite got comfortable around him since I'm quite used on his bossy and moody attitude. He's still the hot serious and poker-faced guy I know. I still have that fright but being with him in a long time without being touched by him makes me a little convinced that I'm safe. I can see him as my friend but sometimes a stranger – full of mystery and secrets that he still can't reveal.

    "Thanks," I said as soon as he gently sat beside me and placed the tray right on the bed. We clearly both enjoyed breakfast while chatting about random shits – except the way he talks to seriously.

    Minutes have passed and we are finally done eating – I guess it's time for me to prepare for school. Another year being in school kinda sucks to be honest and I can't wait to finish it.

    "Meet me outside when you're done. I'm gonna drop you to school." He tidied up the tray. I nodded and headed to the bathroom – doing my usual routine – daily hygiene and others until finally I am on to picking my best outfit. I stood in front of my closet, staring into my clothes while wondering what to wear. I was scanning through my clothes when suddenly I remembered the outfit Harry gave me before. I smiled and quickly pulled out the leather jacket and ripped jeans – hoping it wouldn't be a big deal in school.

     After 15 minutes I'm done doing my stuffs. I slung my bag on my shoulders and slid my phone into my pocket. I'm still checking myself out in the mirror when suddenly a honk was heard outside. I poked my head out the window and saw Harry waving and pointing at his watch. I rolled my eyes and swiftly ran out the bedroom straightly out the house. 

    "Let's go," He said as soon as I reached him. He opened the door like a true gentleman but screw him for being a kill joy always. I let out a sigh before entering the car. He followed in and closed the door – finally we are now off to school.

      Upon staring at him through the rear-view mirror, I always wanted to yell at him to "loosen up a bit" or "Be happy for once" but I didn't dare to say anything at all or else he will treat me like shit again.

     After 10 minutes we finally arrived in Manhattan Bridges High School, the best known school here in New York. I'm pretty excited to go in since I know Beatrix is going to have the same class as me.

    He pulled over in front of the school gates before shooting me a glare, "Take care. I'll be taking you home after your class," Harry said coldly, I rolled my eyes before pushing myself out of his car. 

    "Be fucking careful you careless stubborn student," He shouted but I chose to ignore it as I marched straight to school without looking back. I really still can't believe I have a 24/7 bodyguard who is also a damn multimillionaire. I hope anyone who'll know about him won't dare to think I'm having a relationship with a sugar daddy – because I ain't gonna let that happen.

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