Deja Vu

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(Teddy's POV)

With Elena tucked safely in bed, I leave her house and start heading home.

I pull out my cell phone and see that it's nearly 8:15pm.

Oh no! Mom and Dad are gonna kill me for being so late. I never showed up for work, and.....ugh! I left Jackie on her own.

I check my messages.

Jackie: Ted! What happened to you? (4:19pm)

Jackie: Where are you? I've been back at the apartment for over an hour now. Call or text me. (5:42pm)

Dad: I'm assuming you're still out with your "teammate" since you haven't come to work. Be sure your home by 9p. We are definitely having "a talk" about this later! Love, Dad. (5:45pm)

Jackie: I'm really getting worried about you. Why haven't you called or messaged me? Are you just pouting cause I beat you? (6:51pm)

Uncle Elliott: Hey there sport! Your old man said you were out with a girl tonight. That's awesome! But be careful, and remember....
Wrap it in foil before you check her oil. And if you can't shield your rocket, then leave it in your pocket! (6:57pm)

Jackie: You know what Ted, this isn't funny! Are you pouting or what? Please! I need to know if you're ok. (8:03pm)

J Taylor: Ted, let me know where you need picked up. Your dad informed me that you are supposed to be home by 9pm. (8:10pm)

Damn, how am I going to explain that I wasn't with Jackie tonight. My parents are never going to understand my friendship with Elena. And I can only imagine how they will react to my first kiss being with a woman my mother's age.

I take off running as fast as I can. As I get to a major intersection, I notice a taxi cab pulled off to the side dropping off a couple.

I have got to catch that cab and get away from this area fast.

I make it to the cab just as the couple shuts the door. I knock on the window alerting the driver that I'm next.

I open the door, slide in the back, and tell the driver to take off. As I'm about to text Jackie, my phone buzzes.

J Taylor: Ted, I haven't heard from you yet. Call me immediately or I'm going to start tracking your phone! (8:25pm)

"Sir," I call out to the driver, "Could you just drop me off at Grey Enterprises?"

"No problem kid."

Going back to my phone, I send Jackie a quick text.

Ted: Hey Jackie. I'm fine. Sorry I took off on you like that. I'll explain everything later. (8:26pm)

The driver pulls up in front of the building. I open my wallet and hand him the cost of the fare plus a really nice tip.

I jump out of the cab and dial Taylor.


"Ted...where are you?"

"I'm standing out front of the office."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

Taylor pulls up hard and fast. I jump in the car and we're on the way home.

I'm thinking about what exactly I'm going to say to my parents about my whereabouts this evening. I go over in my mind what Elena showed me tonight about taking charge and being a man in complete control.

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