Weekend Before the Trial - Part 1

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(Tress POV) 

(Saturday morning)

I jolt awake at the sound of a single high pitch tone. My mind instantly thinking she's flatlined​ again. As I look up, I see the face of a new nurse in the room.

"Sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to wake you. I was just checking her vitals," the nurse apologizes.

"It's ok. I heard a noise and thought she was gone again."

"Oh no. It was just the digital thermometer. Everything's ok. Her vitals are stable. I'm sorry the noise frightened you."

"It's ok. I'm just a bit jumpy after last night. What time is it?"

"It's 7:30 am. We just had a shift change, so I'm doing my rounds."

"7:30? Wow, I must of dozed off. A little more than three hours ago, she flatlined on me. So she really is ok?"

"Yes ma'am. No fever, her heart rate is good, and her blood pressure is better."

"But she still hasn't woken up?"

"No, I'm afraid not. But don't worry. Some people take longer to heal than others. She still has a nasty infection that she's fighting. Plus the doctor still has her on some pretty strong pain killers. That alone can cause her to stay asleep. Well I have to get to my next patient. If you need anything, please let me know. My name is Crystal. And try to get some sleep yourself ok."

"Will do. Thank you Crystal."

I watch as she exits the room, closing the door behind her. The room is once again silent aside from the humming of the machines running the monitors, and the sound of soft air coming from her oxygen. I lean back and attempt to catch some sleep.

(Two hours later)

I'm jolted again out of a dead sleep when I hear knocking on the door. I sit up just as the door opens. Peering in the room from around the door, I see a familiar face.

"Dr. Dunn!" I squeak out. "Please come in."

Yanking the blanket off of me and tossing it aside, I try to straighten my messy hair and clothes.

"Hey there. How you doing?" he kindly ask.

"I'm doing good. A bit tired but I'm ok."

Why did I tell him I'm tired? And how did I not notice how freaking hot this guy was last night. His wavy soft brown hair, ocean blue eyes and a very nice well built body.

"So how's she doing?" he inquires as he looks at her chart.

"She's stable and her vitals are good."

"I see she gave you a startle at 4 o'clock this morning. She flatlined?"

"Yes. It was pretty scary. I thought I had lost her. But the nurse assured me that she's ok now. That it was just the infection. And they said they up'd her antibiotic to help her."

"Yeah, the infection she has is a nasty one. It's called a staff infection, or MRSA. It can cause all kinds of havoc. So how are you really holding up?"

"I'm doing ok. I just wish she would wake up."

"Have you eaten at all since you've been here?"

"Come to think of it, no I haven't."

"Well we can't let that happen. Come, I'm getting you something to eat."

"That's nice of you. But I hate to leave her. What if she wakes up while I'm gone?"

"No problem."

He leans outside the door and softly calls for Crystal. He informs her that he is taking me to the cafeteria to get something to eat. And if anything happens while we are gone, to page him immediately. I hear her tell him, "no problem doctor," as he turns back to me.

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