Episode One

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"Where the hell are you?! You haven't answered my calls and texts in months!"

I was currently yelling at my brother, that dumb cunt left without saying a word. It would be okay with me if he left for maybe a couple of days but, he hasn't talked to me in 4 months. I've literally been calling and texting him every day, plus There's been some nights where I don't even sleep.

"Look, (Y/N), me and my friends need a place to stay for a while. Since your place is in the middle of nowhere, we think it would be nice." He sounded like he was nervous.

I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"How many friends you got?" This is where I said screw it.

He took a big breath
"About 10"

"How the hell am I supposed to fit all of them inside my house?" I asked

"Please (Y/N), we need this."

I rolled my eyes.

I had a fairly large house with some good money, I can't lie. I was a doctor, I did medical stuff. That makes good money. Plus, with my side job being a bartender and my mom sending me a $200 check every month to make sure I'm okay, I could buy a lot of things.

I sat on the couch and started watching the news. Another bank robbery. Another gang attack. Another everything. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.
'Thank god I don't live in the city.'

I basically lived in the middle of nowhere. A lot of grass and trees. No houses for miles. It would be pretty bad if someone came into my house and I needed to go to a neighbors house to call the police. Oh boy.

I heard a knock on my door and was confused. I went to answer it but it opened by itself. My brother was standing there with his, what, 10 friends?

"Tyler!" I hugged him tightly. Even though he was gone for a few months, I still missed him.
"So who are your friends?" I smiled.
"Let us come in first at least." The guy with the blue hoodie said.
"Listen, I don't even need to let you stay here but since I love my brother very much I'm being as nice as I can be." I snapped.

I stepped aside to let them in, anyway. They all came in with their bags and took a seat on my couch, me following.
"Your friends?" I turned to Tyler.
He groaned.
"I'm Evan, the 'leader' of the group."
"I'm Delirious."
"I'm Brian"
"And I'm Lui!" He said in a squeaker voice.

I gasped. "That was so cute! Do it again!" I told him.
That's when we almost had a full on conversation with him in his squeaker voice.
"(Y/N)." Tyler said.
"What Tyler?" I glared. I was having fun.
"Sleeping arrangements?"

I sighed.
"I have about eight spare bedrooms. Including the basement, which is really nice. I'll do a nice little house tour!"

Everything was sorted out.
Delirious, Evan, Tyler, and Mini were staying upstairs in my spare bedrooms.
Brock, Brian, David, and Lui were staying in the middle floor bedrooms and Marcel was staying in the nice room in the basement.

They said that they were going to sleep because they were beyond tired. I get it though, it was pretty late. I was watching a movie while drinking an Alcoholic Beverage. Typical Friday night at the (L/N) household.

I heard someone come down the stairs. I looked over to see Tyler getting a drink.

"Why you up? I thought you said you were tired." I said.

"Shut your mouth, (Y/N)." He said back.

I smiled. This was definitely Tyler. He sat down next to me and watched the movie with me.

"Where were you for 4 months?" I asked.

He jumped and gave me a nervous look.
"I can't tell." I raised my eyebrows at this.

"Sure, you can't tell your very important and trusted sister." I sighed. "So many excuses."

"You're going to freak out and call the cops. There's a reason why we were away for a long time." He tried telling me.

"Just spit it out Tyler!" I yelled.

He can't just go away for 4 damn months and not tell me where he was or why he was away.

"I'm in a gang!" He yelled back

I snorted. "Sure the hell you are, Tyler. These excuses are becoming way too much."

I stood up and started walking to my room.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I mumbled.

I sat in my room and snuggled up into my blankets. I started to tear up, I was getting emotional again. 'Why couldn't Tyler just tell me the truth? Gang? Really? He thinks that I could believe that?'

These thoughts were racing through my mind as I drifted off into a deep slumber.

I woke up at about 12 pm. I got out of bed groggily and went downstairs to get coffee. I saw the guys sitting on the couch seriously. The TV wasn't on and nobody was talking.

"What is this? A cult meeting?" I asked jokingly. Nobody laughed. (Sad yeehaw)
"Seriously guys. What are you doing?"

"We need to tell you something." Evan said.

I sat down next to Brock and gestured for Evan to go on.

"We need to tell you why we were gone for so long." He said.

"We've basically been running from the cops, FBI, the government, you name it. We're in a gang that you've probably heard of on the news. The Vanoss Crew." He said slowly.

"We're the most wanted in Los Santos and we needed somewhere to hide until the heat went down."

It was silent.

"So you just decided to hide here, huh? If the cops catch you-"

"They won't." Tyler cut me off.

I sighed

"If they caught you here then I'm going to get arrested too." I said

"We won't let that happen. The cops stop searching after a while so we will be okay." Evan spit out.

I shook my head
"Let me get coffee first then we can talk more about this." I walked into the kitchen.

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