Rip? Can We Talk?

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Sara was still uncomfortable as she walked to the bridge. It was not the nausea she was uncomfortable about. Sadly, it was the fear that if Rip knew or found out he would leave or even despise her. Everyone could notice her trembling lip. Ray smiled apologetically, Zari and Amya just gave a pitiful look at her, Mick kept drinking his beer, Nate looked up from his shoes and nodded in reassurance, and Rip was paying no attention as he was bent over the console.

"Dammit!" He yelled in frustration, alarming Sara to jump unexpectedly. Rip turned around when her heard her come down from her jump. "Sorry, Miss Lance." He frowned as he knew something was wrong, yet he had no clue what, and he hated that. He rested his hand on her shoulder. "You-" He was interrupted as Sara dashed to the nearby restroom. He only could here the whisper that sounded like 'damn nausea' as she ran.

Rip collected himself after that scenario, sighing. "Gideon will find out where the anachronism is for our next mission. I think I have something to attend to here." And with that, he trotted to where he knew Sara was. He leaned himself on the doorway, seeing Sara bent over the toilet. "I see the time jump got you shaken up." He said in a monotone voice.

"Or it could be Ray's cooking last night." Sara added before throwing up again. "Stop being damn nosey here."

"We all know you and Mr. Rory have the best immune systems out of this entire ensemble. I doubt it is the time jump since you usually don't have this aftermath with it. You have any explanations to give me, Miss Lance?"

Sara bit her lip as she sat up and faced him. Day one and she already had to release the news! "Dammit." She muttered in more fear than anger. What if Rip scoffed? What if he disbanded her from the Legends because of this? What if her crush on him died? Yes, crush. Sara thought the Brit was crazy one, but she loved that. Polite yet rude, stubborn yet cute, and caring. Who doesn't like that combination in one? Not her, because she loves that. She didn't want him to leave or die, which she fought quite hard for those things not to happen. He got hurt, she was more concerned than if someone else got hurt. But what if he didn't feel the same way? She would just mope and mourn for ages, and maybe forever. She could say she liked him, but that was too lightly used. She loved Rip Hunter and was scared to ever lose him.

"C'mon, say something." Rip urged her out of her fearful daydream. Sara stood up, gulped, and sighed, looking at him nervous.

"Rip? Can we talk?"

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