Chapter Thirteen•

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Today was Prince Arthur's coronation.

He led in bed and awaited his most favourite servant to burst through the doors and pull the curtains with that gassy smile he pricked upon every morning.

"Good-morning clot-pole."

There he was. Arthur smiled and brushed his head into his pillow to hide his blushing cheeks. Of course he was shirtless and clearly showing his muscles off as his arm slunk down towards the floor. Why was he blushing like an idiot for? He scolded himself and groaned as the sunlight hit him.

"Oh, Arthur. Even on your big day you're still the same ol' ass."

Arthur's jaw swung open as he flung the sheets off himself and ran for Merlin. Merlin pressed his arm out in front of him and whispered a spell. Arthur was frozen.

"That is cheating you pompous-" Arthur pursed his lips together.

"Pompous what?" Merlin says, standing there with a smirk plastered onto his face.


Merlin raised his brow and Arthur's trousers dropped. Arthur and a few of his most trusted knights began their daily hunt, today was a special one in particular. They were hunting stag for the feast. Lancelot, Gwaine, and of course Merlin tagged along.

Merlin had a grin plastered on his face. As per usual he had something on his mind.

"What on earth are you smiling about Merlin?" Arthur asked. Merlin smirked and shook his head.

"I just feel like I nothing to worry about anymore; since Morgana has been arrested. I feel like I don't have to protect your royal arse anymore."

Arthur grunted and furrowed his brows.

"You make me laugh Merlin; I'll be sure to assign you as a jester someday."

Merlin turned his nose up.

"Oh no, please don't."

Merlin and Arthur smirked.

"Arthur, look." Merlin gawked. He spotted a tipped carriage. The horses had ran off and the wheel was still spinning; so it must've been recent.

"Anyone still alive?" Arthur asked as he withheld his sword. The knights stepped forward and opened the carriage door and searched around the area.

"This lad is definitely dead." Gwaine huffed as he poked at the body on the floor at least a few metres from the carriage. Lancelot opened the carriage doors.

"It's a lady. What would you like us to do with her your majesty?"

Arthur huffed. "Is she alive?"

Merlin hopped off his horse and checked the pulse on her wrist and the knights helped gently carry her out of harms way. She had dark raven hair, smooth skin and light freckles. She looked familiar.

"She's got a weak pulse. Just about alive. Should we take her to the castle?" Merlin asked; awaiting Arthur's orders.

"Yes. Put her on my horse; I'll walk. It is the most decent honourable request I could provide for her."

"But-" Merlin began to speak but Arthur interrupted. He couldn't deny his jealousy, but she was in need.

"No. It's fine."

Arthur carried the girl and any belongings found in the carriage back to Camelot horseback.

Merlin pulled the curtains to keep the light dim. Giuas suggested to keep any sun spores out. He gave her a potion to help her heart rate increase. Arthur and Merlin stayed in the room for when she awoke.

Once the potion kicked in, she fluttered her eyes open and shot up in shock. It was at least 15 minutes after Giuas had left the room.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"It's okay. I'm King Arthur of Camelot. This is my trusted servant Merlin. We found your carriage tipped over on our hunt. You're safe now." She smiled. "I'm Queen Mary of Scotland. The horses must've seen something in which frightened them and freaked out. Where was the driver?" Mary asked.

"We found him dead. He must've hit his head quite hard. You're lucky to be alive. Our physician Giuas helped you on your recovery." Arthur smiled.

Mary and Arthur had been set in a marriage arrangement since children, but went their separate paths as young teenagers when their countries fell out. They rarely saw each other and the visits must've stopped at around 10.

Mary cleared her throat. They both furrowed their brows how the familiarity of it sunk in. He was the Arthur she'd been looking for.

"I was on my way to Camelot to ask if the marriage arrangement could still be carried out between us. For a union between our countries."

Arthur raised his brows and instantly regretted bringing her to the castle.

"Oh." Arthur said. He said it again a little louder when he realised who Mary was. It was a distant memory, but he still remembered.

Merlin's stomach churned. His fists clenched and his jaw locked. He couldn't take the awkward tension anymore.

"We can discuss that when you're fully recovered. If you'll excuse me, I have some duties to attend to for now." Arthur mumbled. He smiled and called Merlin to follow him as he walked towards his chambers.

Mary nodded.

"Well. That went well." Mary said to herself. Immediately, she began writing to her mother.

'Mother. I've reached Camelot. The carriage ride was awful, the rider sadly passed away due the the horses being frightened by something on the route. Camelot is lovely. I hope this works out. He seems like a good king. I could grow to like this. But for now; this is just for our countries.'

Before Mary arrived, she had a potential love. Though-it was banned. A queen could never be with a servant. Arthur had the same problem however, his situation was worse.


"Are you considering it?" Merlin asked Arthur.

Arthur huffed and stared from the windows.

"This is a powerful union. It could be good for the kingdom." Arthur said as he swallowed and stared at Merlin. Merlin folded his arms and sighed.

"Arthur, just promise me you won't rush into this. Spend some time with the girl, or she'll end up in a relationship where only one loves, whilst you love another. Forget me."

Arthur furrowed his brows.

"I could never forget you. You'll be beside me throughout it all."

Merlin was confused. That wasn't what he was implying at all. He didn't want to watch his lover fall for someone else.

It was the same for Mary. This was defiantly needed for Scotland; they were running low on finance and a money boost could help farmers grow crops and family's build on their lives.

For Arthur this could be a power source. Already they were being targeted by the French. Scotland and French were alliances, so a marriage with the Scottish queen could potentially protect them.

It was perfect, it couldn't be denied. Not by either of them. Arthur would tell her of his plan the next day, Mary could stay in Camelot and grow to know Arthur.

|Two Worlds Apart|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें