Chapter Six:

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"BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEP," it's the dreaded sound of my alarm clock. It's that time again, time to go back to school. It takes all I have to get out of my nice and cozy bed.

The first thing that I do is go downstairs and get something to eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day I think to myself. After I eat a bowl of cereal, some bacon, and yogurt I start getting ready. Jackson usually takes me to school. but today I'm driving so I have to be ready on time. It's one of my biggest pet peeves to be late. I'd rather be an hour early than five minutes late, you get me? 

When I reach my room I go straight to my closet because picking out my outfit is going to take forever. It always does no matter what. After about fifteen minutes of going through my clothes it finally decide on a jean button up shirt, a pair of red jeans, a leopard print belt, and a pair of brown riding boots. For accessories a gold watch with a gold bracelet that spells love on it, also I put on a necklace that's gold with black and white pearly looking beads. After I decide on all of that I straighten the top half of my hair and add loose curls to the bottom. Lastly, I put make up on and put my contacts in.

I grab my purse and bookbag and go downstairs. Now, all of the family is up. My mom is trying to handle the boys and my dad is eating breakfast while reading the paper. I give them all hugs and my mom hands me my lumch. Yes, my mom still packs my lunch for me. I hate school lunch so she packs my lunch for me. 

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