One Shot!

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So I'm going to make a one shot cuz I'm bored and don't think what to do next in this story, hope you enjoy!

Marinette and Adrien just got married (like a couple of weeks ago) and marinette gets up in the middle of the night cuz she had a bad dream and is in the kitchen....

Marinette was sitting on the table with a tube of ice cream. Adrien walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge, some leftovers fell out and he looked down "shit" he picked it up. "Nice one." He turned around "there you are I didn't see you when I woke up?" He looked at what she was eating 'Ice cream' he walked over to her "You want to talk about it?" When ever Marinette eats ice cream it the middle of the night that mean she had a bad dream or something's on her mind. "This tube of ice beat you to it" Adrien was now in between her legs, he tries to take the ice cream but marinette pulls it away "get your on" she smiles he sighs and smiles back. She takes the spun and puts some ice cream on it, then puts it up to his mouth. He tries to take a bit but she moves the spun to his upper chest and smears it. "Uh-oh" she giggled "ok, that was not funny" she looks at him "it was kind-oh shit it's dripping. I'll get it" and leaned over and licked the ice cream off his chest and looked up at him. "Ok now we're going back to bed" she jumped off the table and shook her head. She turned him around and pushed he against the table.

She takes the spun and puts it in the ice cream again and starts tracing him abs then starts going lower and puts some right above his waist. She starts licking it up and he tilted him head up and moaned. She got lower and finally got to the last bit of ice creamright above his waist and she keeped going lower she pulled his pants down and started sucked and licking.

He finally had enough and pulled her up and turned her around and pushed her up onto the table. He started thrusting into her hitting home bass ever time "you give me fucking crazy sometime you no that" he said annoyed. She tried to laugh but it was hafe way cut off by a moan. He got really close to his climax and pulled out. His cum hitting her iner thigh. "Adrien why did you stop I wasn't done!" She asked he took the ice cream that she set down on the other side of the table "my turn" he smirked. He grabbed her legs one leg in one hand that the other in the other hand and pulled her legs apart, he kept one hand on one leg and let go of the other he grabbed the spun and put some ice cream on it. He took the ice cream and it a thin line down her leg and started licking it. Soon enough he got to her "lips" and started licking and sucking every inch of inside her he could before she hit her climax as well.

After he wase bone he turned around to walk back to the room and she rapped her legs around him "who said you could leave without me?" He sigh and he climbed on his back and they went back to there room.

The End!

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