Lazy Sunday

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Marinette woke to a sleeping Adrien, his face was buried in her stomach while his arms were raped around her waist. Even though they have been dating for almost a month he still found was to make her blush as chat and Adrien.

"Morning, purrincess" he said with a smirk on his face. Startled from her thoughts, she looked at him. "Morning" she said with a smile on her face.

"What you doing today?" He asked hoping she didn't have anything planed. "Nothing" she said "why?".

"Because I have a photoshoot and I want you to be there!" He said with excitement.

"OK, silly kitty" she said as she started to pet him. He robbed up against her hand and a little pur escaped his mouth. He quality covered his mouth after realizing what he just did.

"Even after almost a month of dating, you still want pur for me!" She said acting sad so she could guilt trip him in to letting his pur out.

"It's embarrassing, M'lady" he wined. "Fine don't pur for me.." Then a idea poped into her head " maybe I could get Nathaniel to pur for me?" She said with a smirk on her face spreading from ear to ear.

As soon as he herd the tomato's name co e out of his princesses mouth, he got a little upset. "You. Wouldn't. Dare." He said looking at her straight in the eyes with a serious expression and a frown on his face.

'I HATE when she mentions his name. Ugh I hate that tomato head.' He thought to him self. As soon as he said that she started berating out laughing. "Don't be so serious. It was just a joke." She laughed so hard she started grabbing her stomach.

He hufft. "I even hate it when your around him." She pet his head "Ooooh, honey. Its OK he isn't going to steal me away." She said.

Adrien released her waist and jumped on top of her, pinning her arms and legs to the bed. "Adrien what are you-" Adrien silenced her with a rough kiss. Now knowing what was going on she kissed back just as hard.

Marinette's arms started to rap around Adrien's neck, but he quickly stopped her. "Ah ah ah" he said with a smirk on his face.

"I get to punish you for saying that and getting me mad" he said sitting up and taking off his shirt and tying marinette's hands to the bed post. "I-its n-n-not my f-felt y-y-you got mad!" She tried to say but ended up being a blushing, stuttering mess.

All he did as a response was smirk and then started kissing her neck. "A-adrien~" she moaned. "Yes~" he said. "Let my hands go, please?" she asked now squirming under him. "Nope" he said simply. "Why?"

"Cuz, you were mean to me so I have to be mean to you." He said as he went back to her lips. He grabbed her butt knowing it would make her gasp and slipped his tongue in her mouth. As he was kissing her, his sneaky hand made its way to her back and went under her shirt and unhooked her bra.

"Adrien, what are you doing?"

"What?" He questioned, then after a second of thinking he knew what she was getting at. "Don't worry princess, I won't do anything you don't want me to"

"But you unhooked my bra?"

"Ya so, why do you need a bra when you have my hands" a smirk appeared on his face.

"Adrien!!" She realized that his shirt had come loss and in one swift move she got one hand free and grabbed the cat pillow on her bed that he gave her three days ago and though it at his face. But she was to slow. His hand that was on her butt went in front of his face and caught the pillow. He through the pillow aside and grabbed ahold of the wrist of the hand that tossed the pillow and pined it to the bed.

A Ladybugs Dream Come True #2 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin