Crashing down

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Roxy's pov

I felt my heart stop. I was expecting a teenager my age not a pregnant one. One with bold blue hair not this tangled mess. I felt horrible for her. Even if she was Emily's friend I kept my eye on her. Something wasn't right I could feel it. Slowly she and Emily started moving towards each other slowly until  they were able to hug.

"Well... I'm gonna go...." She said pointing to our room. I nodded as she ran off.

"Oh my god Anna..." Emily whispered.

"Shhh shhh, I know, I missed you too." Her voice was smoother than I thought it was. 

"I thought you were dead..." She whispered in tears but the blue haired girl hushed her. Slowly she released her hold of my friend and looked at me.

"You must be Roxy." She said extending her hand towards me.

"Yes. I heard you were Emily's friend." I replied but she corrected me.

"Girlfriend." My heart stopped. Emily was lesbian? I felt my heart thump. Oh my god I was blind no wonder the boys were trying to attack her! I snapped out of it and shook her hand. She seemed nice but I felt like she was off in someway. Somehow her pregnancy felt off. 

"So... I'm sorry to be so personal with my friends girlfriend," I said looking at Emily who had a guilty look on her face,"But how did you become pregnant. And who is the father?" She sighed.

"It's a long story one you will both want to hear." I gestured to the dining room. She nods and takes a seat groaning slightly as she did.

"So..." I said. She nodded and began her story.

"When the men raped me... They decided to do an experiment. Before the cops came they cut Emily and mixed her DNA with some of their... stuff creating those microscopic organisms men naturally create. They injected it into me.... now I'm pregnant with your daughter..." She said pointing to her. 

"How do you know its a girl?" She asked.

"Girls can only create the X chromosome remember. Its definitely a girl." She said. Emily's eyes filled up with tears. I wrapped my arm around her and Anna did the same.

"I'm gonna be a mother?" She whispered. The blue haired girl nodded. I felt slightly... disturbed that someone would rape her like that but she was carrying my friends kid...

"Will you be okay?" She asked.

The other girl nodded then asked, "When is it due?" 

"A month and a half..." She replied. Holly Sh*t a month and a half??? I nearly said that out loud but I quickly covered my mouth. They stared at me in confusion. I looked at them then ran into the bathroom. I quickly locked the door and fell to my knees crying. Whats wrong with me? I know im not suposed to fall in love or be jealous but that Anna chick just... ugh! Whats wrong with me...? Why am i like this all of the sudden? Everything i have prepared myself for was to never fall in love but now im just so... confused and lost. Slowly i turned to the mirror and smashed it. I looked at my broken reflection in the shattered glass to see blood flowing drom my wrist. It seemed to look so peaceful. I didn't even try to stop it... I snapped out of it and realized, I was losing enough blood to kill someone. What have I done...?! I quickly got up and ran the water over my bleeding wrist trying to get the blood off of it, but it kept flowing. Thinking fast I wrapped a towel around my wrist and crashed into the kitchen. The girls stared at me in confusion then saw the blood stained cloth around my wrist.

"What did you do?" Emily screamed at me. I looked at her through panicked eyes, ran to the counter and with a quick motion I jumped landing onto the counter perfectly. I desperately looked for the gauze to wrap my wrist in. They both stared at me in shock. After five minutes I started to feel dizzy and I fell backwards onto the floor. Thankfully I fell into a pair of soft arms... Emily's arms...

"Hold on for a minute your going to be all right." I heard her soft voice whisper into my ear. I whimpered. She wrapped her arms around me as I clutched her shirt for comfort. Anna looked through the cabinets swinging them open while my world was slowly becoming darker.

"Emily..." I whispered but she put her fingers over my lips. She knew what I was going to say. If i don't make it...

"You're going to be alright. I promise your going to be alright." She said tears running down her cheeks.

"I found it!" I heard her yell as she rushed over to me. Without another glance she began to wrap it around my wrist. Thats when I blacked out.

Darkness. Thats all I saw. The dark. I hated every minute of it.

"Its not your time." I hear a voice say. I didn't know who it was, but I trusted the voice. I walked around the empty plain for a while until I heard whispers. They were all jumbled and I couldn't make them out... but one seemed louder than the others. It was a sweet, caring, soft voice.

"Now wake up." The mysterious voice said. I felt my mind starting to become hazy and then with a final glance I returned to the living.

"Wake up... Please wake up..." I heard a voice as I returned to consciousness. When my eyes opened I saw her. Emily. Her head rested on the edge of my bed, she was crying. I slowly reached my hand out only to see the gauze wrapped around it. I automatically pulled my arm back and stared at it in shock and horror. I had nearly killed myself... I felt tears start to flow down my cheeks. Slowly I brought my hand closer to me and clenched it onto a fist. I was going to have to walk the road of self harm and suicide... alone. I continued to silently cry when I felt a hand reach up and grab mine. Emily stared at me almost in shock but smiling. She wrapped her hand around my fist and whispered.

"I'm here." I looked at her hand then her face. After that I lost it. I began to bawl my eyes out. She slowly moved herself so I could rest my head on her chest and cry. As she did I heard the door open but she did a gesture with her hand and it quickly shut.

"I'm so sorry 'hic' I don't know what came over me." I said in between breathing. She pulled me into a tighter embrace and whispered in my ear once again...

"I'm here. No matter what I'm not going to leave you. Your like my sister. And no matter what I won't leave you." She finished with a quick kiss on my forehead then whispered once again.

"Get some sleep." and I did. I just fell asleep...

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