The Fight

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Emily's Pov 

My name is Emily.

My friends call me Em. I have just moved into a small town with many new people. I live with my mom and dad... but they don't know I'm lesbian. If they knew they would probably kick me out because the bible says its a sin. I hate that old thing. My grades are B+ to an A which is only to please my parents. I love to paint and draw but I am extremely shy... Not like Roxy. She is brave and kind and she doesn't care about what anyone thinks. She loves to play guitar and skate board. She also told me about how she flipped a guy off for calling her friend a sick person for being gay. She seems really nice. Today will be my first day at school and I'm already nervous as heck. I have Roxy in over half my classes so I hope she can have my back. One day I hope we can be more than friends.


My alarm went off in a loud anoying beeping noise that made you want to punch it through the wall.

I slowly got up. 

"Emily time for school." My mother called. School... shoot today is monday. I ran into the shower. After ten minute I came out clean and fully clothed. I was just wearing an over the shoulder tank top and some shorts. I walked down stairs and grabbed the cereal. After about ten minutes I was done. I grabbed my back pack and I was out the door. The bus came quickly and I had to run to catch up to it. When I got on it looked like I wasn't alone. About halfway through the ride I saw Roxy. It looked like she was running late along with her younger sister she told me about. They were both riding skate boards down to the bus stop. I blushed as I saw what Roxy was wearing. She was wearing black skinny jeans with tears in them. Black boots. A black and white button up shirt, and a denim vest. Her sister was wearing black converse. A pair of jeans. A white t-shirt and a black and white striped vest. She was adorable. They got down to the bus stop just in time and fist bumped. I giggled not many kids I knew would treat their sibling that way. They walked onto the bus and everyone cheered. They high fived a lot of the other students but the most surprising moment was when they both sat down next to me. 

"Hey!" Roxy said smiling. I waved.

"This is my sister Jo." She said pointing to a curly haired brunette. She smiled and did a quick salute.

"Sup." She said. I shrugged and shook her hand. After that she popped in her head phones. Her sister and I talked until we had to get off.

"Be good." She said to her sister as they hugged. She gave her a playful punch in the shoulder and walked off to her elementary school next to the high school. 

"You to are close?" I asked. She nodded. After a while we had to go different ways sense she had music and I had art. 

"Oh you most be the new kid! Class this is Emily." The teacher said as I walked in. They all just stared at me some even glared at me.

"Take a seat by John." She must have forgot that I was new. I looked around and saw the kids snicker as I looked around in confusion.

"Um who?" I asked. She looked at me and slapped her fourhead.

"The boy in the red shirt." She said pointing at a boy in the back of the class room. About an hour later the bell rang and I was free. Learning about the importance of creativity was basic for me. As I walked out I saw Roxy waiting for me by my locker.

"Oh hey Emily I was just waiting for you!" She said smiling. Oh my god she was so cute. 

"Thanks now where is the next class?" I asked looking at my schedule. 

"Follow me we have the same class." She laughed. When she grabbed my hand I blushed. It was so soft and warm. I have to admit I didn't want to let go. After four hours of classes we finally went to lunch. Thank god it was a half day so after this I could go home. When I walked into the lunch room I saw Roxy playing on her guitar.

"What song are you playing?" I asked.

"What the hell by avril lavigne." She said smiling. We ate together and listened to her play. After a while I walked into the hall to stretch my legs and go to the water fountain. 

"Thats the girl." I hear someone say. I froze. I knew who they were. Those were the kids that bullied me for being lesbian everyday. They made my middle school life horrible. I should have know that when we moved they would be here to.

"Hey dyke!" They said. I walked faster down the hall but they stopped me. 

"Where are you going." One said cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah we're just getting started." The other said. I started to run but they grabbed the back of my shirt. I let out a scream of terror as I fell to the ground. I felt pain everywhere as they started kicking and punching me. I was defenseless, I couldn't fight back, so instead I just curled into a little ball and tried my best not to cry as their punches continued. 

"Get away from her!" I heard someone call. I looked up to see... Roxy! 

"What are you gonna do about it?" One of them said.

"Did anyone tell you never to mess with the queen of the skate park?" She asked. They looked at each other confused. When they turned around she was charging at them. They looked shocked. She slammed her skate board into one of their faces and kicked the other in the chest. Before either on of them could react she whacked her board against the side of the boys face. When the board connected to his face she must have hit so hard because it broke in half! 

"Sh*t!" She said quickly as she threw the pecies if the board on to the ground. She spun around on her foot and kicked the other student in the jaw. He grabbed her ancle and pulled her down. She gave a yelp of surprise as her shoulder slammed on the ground. She twisted out of his grip and kicked him in the face. One down one to go. Suddenly the other student grabbed her from behind and had her in a bear hold. 

"Roxy!" I screamed. She didn't struggle though. She just slamed her boot onto the guys foot. He let go of her quickly. In a flash she was back in action and kicked the high school student in the crotch. Before her fell to the ground she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Sweet dreams!" She growled before punching him in the face knocking him out cold. I looked at her in surprise.  This girl knew how to fight.

"How did you...? I began but she cut me off.

"Five years of self defence training and living with the guys taught me a lot now come one we have to go home." She said helping me to my feet and letting me lean on her. We grabbed our stuff and got onto the bus waiting for us was a shocked looking Jo.

"Oh my god Roxy what did you do!?!?" She said ripping some gauze out of her backpack and wrapping it around both of our injures.

"Boys are idiots. Remember that." Roxy said laughing. Jo rolled her eyes.

"She may have to stay with us for the night. I don't want her going home and spooking her parents." She said. I nodded and texted my parents asking them if I could spend the night at Roxy's place sense we didn't have school tomorrow. They said yes and I smiled.

"I can stay." I said smiling. Roxy smiled, so did Jo but she put her fingers on the bridge of her nose. We got back to their house and went straight to their room.

"You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Jo said picking up a webkinz tiger and walked off.

"Wow first sleep over ever!" Roxy said smiling. I blushed and smiled a little bit. Thankfully the lights were off so she couldn't see me blush. 

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