Nightmares and daydreams

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(Emily's POV)

Right when Jo said that I knew there was going back now I had to do it. She was beautiful. She was the first person who opened up to me. In two days the amazing girl of my dreams had come into my life. Now this was my chance. I would not reject this opportunity. Don't get me wrong I was scared out of my mind. Would she reject me? Would she push me away? Scream at me to get out of her house? Well its now or never. Slowly... Slowly...

Thats when it happened I closed the gap between us. Her lips were incredibly soft. We stayed in that position for what felt like an eternity. Our lips were locked in complete passion... I think her eyes were open... but other than that I was having the time of my life. When we finally separated I noticed Jo was gone. There was a note.

Hey guys sorry my phone was going off and I had to get it. By the amount of buzzing it was making I'm guessing its important. See you in the morning.


I blushed. Had she planned this the whole time? My breaths quickened and I began to sweat.

"Hey you okay?" Roxy asked. I nodded and tried to calm down. F***k! I swore in my head. 

"Emily calm down your hyperventilating!" She said grabbing my shoulders.

"W-wha-?" I said realizing how bad this was.

"Whats going on?" She asked. I shrugged trying to catch my breath. She pulled me into a hug and sighed.

"It's getting late we should get some rest." She said cooly. I nodded. 

She trough me a pair of p.j.'s and turned around so I could get changed while she did the same. I put them on quickly and turned around to see what I was wearing. It was a light blue tank top and some shorts. When I came in Roxy was wearing an Avril Lavigne concert t-shirt and a pear of black shorts. I smiled but it slowly faded as I saw her wrist covered in scratches some fresh others were scars. I looked up at her stunned.

"What?" She said following my gaze she looked at her wrist.

"Oh that... don't worry about that its just some scratches I got from skate boarding. Its nothing..." She said. I had to trust her. She did get injured rather quickly from time to time in class. Heck she was prone paper cuts.

"Okay I trust you." I replied.

"Thanks. Night!" She said jumping into her bed as I got into Jo's.

My eyes opened to see a dark ally. I stood up and began walking. This was a weird dream I haven't had this one yet.

"Emily!" I heard a scream and recognized who it was. It was my old girlfriend from where I had originally lived... Anna.

"I'm coming!" I screamed a reply. I ran through the ally maze, running into every dead end on the way. I had to save her.

"Someone save me!" I ran faster than I had ever run before. I couldn't leave her this time she was everything to me! I ran down the darkest ally to see her chained to a wall. Quickly taking action I yanked at the chain but nothing happened. I looked at Anna... her original blue hair was covered in blood as well as he clothes. I yanked again but still nothing. She looked up at me and mouthed 'run...' I looked at her.

"No I won't leave you again!" I said tears starting to pour down my face.

"There she is!" A man yelled. I froze it was my father's old friend the one that caused us to move. Everything in my life was his fault. Suddenly someone grabbed my arms and threw me to the ground next to Anna. They laughed at my sudden defeat. Thats when one of them took of there belt and struck me with it. I felt a warm liquid flow down my back from the blow. But that one blow wasn't the end. The belt continued to hit me until I was sore all over. I screamed in pain. This was the worst nightmare ever. I felt my energy drain and I collapsed by Anna who hugged me.

The Skater and The Artistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें