Jeff the Killer

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You shifted the bag on your shoulder as you walked, trying to take some of the weight off. Treking through the deep forest, you sighed, telling yourself it would only be a little farther. You knew the piece of mail you were delivering, a small envelope, with a wax selant keeping it closed.

Some creepy shadow monster had payed you a visit last night- while you were sleeping too, as if it wasn't scary enough- to hand you the small note. It claimed the message was urgent, but you didn't stress yourself out over it too much. Highly powered monsters always claimed their stuff to be serious and important, usually demanding the best care for their mail. This shadow thing had paid you good money, however, so you decided to make it's letter a priority.

Finally, you caught sight of what you were looking for, a small, rundown shack,it's wooden roof covered in rotting leaves. You walked over to the door, your feet aching, and knocked 3 times on the door, saying in a light, friendly tune, "mail delivery! Please don't kill me!" After years of experience, you came to understand that last line was fairly important. There was silence at first, before quiet shuffling could be heard, and eventually the door cracked open.

"Yes?" Came a hesitant, raspy voice. You couldn't see who the speaker was, as they stood behind the door. You rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet while opening up your bag, talking to the voice.

"Are you Jeff?" You asked.

"Whose asking?" Was the gruff response.

"Sir, I need you to answer the questions if you want your mail," You responded, pausing to look at the door.

"Hmph. Yeah, I'm Jeff. What mail?" He said back, a little irritated. You grabbed the piece you were looking for. "May i come in?" you asked him.

You heard a slight noise, then a pause, as if he were about to say something but stopped. Finally, he grumbled out a "Sure, do whatever," letting go his hold of the door. You could hear him step back and grabbed the door handle, opening it.  

Glancing up at Jeff, you gasped. "Hey! You're Jeff the Killer!" You said to him. He sat back in a chair, relaxing a bit. "How'd you guess?" He responded, rolling his eyes.

"You've been on the news recently, didn't you break out of an asylum a month ago?" You said, putting your bag down on the table next to him.

He looked you over, cautious. "You watch the news?"

"Oh, no," You said, shaking your head. "But other monsters talk about you a lot, pretty famous in the community, I guess."

He shook his head, taking out a ciggarette. "Pretty infamous, "he muttered. He flicked his lighter, asking you, "Mail?"

"Right!" You handed him the letter. He took it, opening the wax seal with his knife Taking out a wad of cash from the letter, he let out a chuckle. "So he didn't forget then," Jeff muttered to himself.

"The shadow guy?" You asked. Jeff nodded. "Did some dirty work for him, you know those types of monsters, never want to do anything themselves, no matter how powerful they are." 

You nodded along, agreeing with him. "They pay good money though, or at least that one did," you said to him, causing Jeff to chuckle again. "Hell yeah." was his only response.  You felt happy you made him laugh, if only a little bit.

He looked at you suddenly, as if he was only now aware of your presence. "You want a drink or something like that? I got some water around here somewhere," He said, inhaling the smoke from his cigarette.

You almost said yes, but instead shook you head. "No, I have some more letters to deliver, sorry. It was nice meeting you though," you said. He nodded. "Nice meetin' ya. By the way, could you send a letter to someone? I dunno where he is though."

You agreed to send it, and took out a piece of paper and pencil. He scratched his chin, blowing smoke and thinking. 

"Uhh, ok, I'm sending a letter to this guy named Ben. He's a ghost-virus-thing, or something, and I think he lives in like, a computer? Not a specific one, just in general." Suddenly he seemed embarrased and turned to you "What that enough information to find him? If I knew more about where he was, I probably wouldn't need you." He said.

You chuckled a bit, smiling. "Yeah, don't worry, I usually get even less info than that. What do you want to say?"

He exhaled more of the cigarette smoke. "Uhh, tell him to come find me, I'm bored and also need a place to stay besides this house. Oh, and also tell him I want info on the cops." He looked at you again. "Got that?"

"Yep," You responded, finishing writing it down. You probably weren't going to hand this letter to Ben, but you wanted to write it down so you knew what to say. No use sending a message if you forgot what it was.

Jeff seemed to thin of something suddenly. "Hey, by the way, have you heard anything about the police recently?"

You shook your head, "No, I'd tell you. You seem like a decent guy Jeff, I'd hate for the police to catch you," You said. He smiled awkwardly, like he was unsure of how to do it without looking insane. It was cute.

Well, I'd hate for the police to catch me too," He said back, snuffing out the cigarette.

Jeff thanked you, giving you some cash, and you left, moving through the forest to your next destination. You checked your list, seeing who was next. 

"Laughing Jack. Huh, wonder who he is..." You said to yourself.

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