Saint Kitts took her father's hands and looked at him, “Daddy, you can still make this right with Alfie.”

England shook his head, “Your brother, Canada, doesn't want me to have any contact with America at all.”


France walked into the room.

France looked like he hadn't slept at all. He had bags under his eyes.

“Maybe you two should get some rest and we'll bring you food from breakfast,” Monaco said.

France shook his head, “I'll go with you all,” He looked at England worriedly, “Angleterre?”

England just nodded, got up, and silently started to walk out the room.

Australia sighed, he was worried about his parents but even was worried even more about America.

He loved his parents, but still.

His brother didn't deserve this.


Alfred opened his eyes and yawned, he sat up and stretched.

He felt something move and looked down. He came face to face with Kumaijaro and jumped back.

“Don't be afraid Maska,” The bear said calmly.

America just stared at the bear.

Kuma came closer to America and nuzzled his nose into Alfred’s shirt. America slightly tensed but started to relax a bit.

“You shouldn't be afraid of them,” the bear said, “They want to help you.”

There was knock on the door. The person waited awhile before entering it.

It was Diego.

America was now just staring at him.

“Uh, morning Al,” He said, “Breakfast is gonna be ready soon. We may go out to the park or out for a walk in the forest or something today.”

Alfred just kept staring at him, “I'm not hungry,” He whispered.

Diego sighed, “Al, please. Your perfect just the way you are. Don't listen to the other nations. Please eat, for us.”

No, they were lying to him. He was fat and imperfect in every way.

The others were right- the other nations were right about him.

How could someone like him be the leader of the free world?

That title should go to Canada. Alot of his people talked about moving there anyway.

The countries were right, how can he be called the land of opportunity when there was so much hate and gun violence in America?

He called himself the land of freedom but he himself felt like a slave. Chained to this half made life only to stand and watch.

And of course to get insulted.

Insults started to swirl in his head.

He wondered why was he created. At first he was simply a tool to get France and England along with other European countries to get rich but now he is ‘independent ‘ He's ‘free’ is that his purpose now? To be a punching bag?

To relieve the world stress by throwing it all his way?

Alfred started to shake a bit as tears started to form.

Diego noticed and took a few steps towards his brother. America didn't notice.

Diego gently put his arms around America, “Shh, it's okay Al. You did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong,” He whispered before wiping his brother’s tears.

America slightly tensed up from the contact.

Diego noticed and even though he didn’t want to, he let go of his brother.

Diego started to walk to the door, but before he left, he turned back to America, “I'm sorry for scaring you yesterday. You're my brother and always will be, I love you and we’ll get you through this.”

And with that he left.

America laid back down on his pillow and started to hug it.

He did nothing wrong?

Yeah right.

He sighed and closed his eyes, he didn't know what to believe anymore.

His adoptive parents lied to him and said they cared…. Some of his old friends..

He wasn't even sure about his family.

In this world, who could he trust?

America just hugged his pillow tighter.

He just wasn't sure.

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