Chapter 17: Secrets are Revealed

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I woke to the sound of my phone ringing on the nightstand. It was early I could tell as the sun hadn't shone through the blinds as it usually does in the morning. As I picked up my phone to answer it, I glanced at the time. "05:46" This better be important. "Hello?" I said. It was an unknown number so I had no idea what it could be about. "Hello, am I speaking with Devin Andrews?" A female voice said. "Yeah, that's me" I answered, still not sure who I was speaking with. "Good morning Miss Andrews. My name is Mackenzie Ford. I am a police officer. We have captured Jordan Miles and he is in custody. We would like you to come in for your statement at 10am today. But I thought I must call you right away so you know all of Red's accomplices are now caught. They will all be sentenced for a very long time and you can relax." I was so relieved. I'd been scared Jordan was going to track me, my family or Casey down for killing his boss. "Yes thank you for letting me know! I'll see you at ten." I hung up and decided to get up as I was now wide awake anyway.

I went downstairs and made some scrambled eggs on toast. I texted Casey to see if he was awake and tell him the good news if he hadn't heard already. We texted for a few minutes before Dad came into the dining room saying he must go into work. Mum was due to be discharged this afternoon so I was excited for her to be home. Dad had left saying he's missed so much work at the business. His colleagues have held the fort while he's been gone but he must go and sign some papers. He was going to meet Mum at the hospital in the afternoon. I had a shower and got ready to go to the police station again.

After I gave my statement to the police I went to the hospital. I went to see Casey first as Mum wasn't due to be discharged for a few hours. He looked at me excitedly as I walked in, "The doctors are saying I can be discharged in two days if the wound heals nicely. I can't wait to get out this hospital!" I smiled and wrapped him in a hug. My own gunshot wound had healed beautifully, all that was left now was a small scar. We spoke for a while until Dad called me saying we were taking Mum home now. I said goodbye and made my way to her room. After we got home I sighed. It was weird to be home with both Mum and Dad after so many weeks of being away. We might finally just about get back to normal.

2 days later.

I pulled up outside the hospital and saw Casey sitting on a bench with his bag next to him. He grinned as I pulled into a car park before walking towards me. After we got back to his place he threw his bag onto the bed and went to the fridge for a donut. I raised my eyebrows at him. "What?" He asked. "Hospital food sucks." He said before finishing the last mouthful.

Casey then sat down and faced me. "Look after everything that's happened lately I think you deserve to know what I did to Red to make him so angry and swear revenge." This was it. I was going to finally hear what caused all this. He took a deep breath. "Just please don't let this change how you feel about me. It was a mistake. An accident." I held my breath, this must be bad.

He began, "So I'll start from my junior year, in 2015. I was on the football team and we had a big tournament coming up that evening. The biggest one of the season. Anyway, after the game, which we won I went out with some mates to celebrate and we snuck into a club. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "So after we left the club everyone but me all had a bit to drink, and as I was the designated driver I drove the rest of them.

Anyway, as it was my car, when one of the other guys threw up in the backseat I turned around to yell at him. I only had my head turned for maybe two seconds but that's all it took. When I turned back to the road I saw we'd drifted onto the other side and headlights shone into my eyes before the impact. I tried swerving but it was too late. The passenger side of my car slammed into the driver's side of the other car. My buddy in the passenger seat, Pete, died on impact. I must've got knocked out too, because when I came to, the fire crew were chopping me out of the mangled car. My mates in the back were talking to a cop by a police car. I saw some of the female police officers by the other car which had been pushed a few meters away. They looked into the driver's side and put their hands to their mouths in shock. I knew it must be very bad.

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