Chapter 13: A New Threat

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Everybody was now very frantic. Angel had been kidnapped by Cam and we had no idea whatsoever where he could've taken her. Casey was on the phone to the police as Lauren was far too hysterical to speak.

"MY SISTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED BY CAM AND BECKY IS HURT! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO TELL US CAM WAS COMING? IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT SHES GONE." (*A/N: Becky is Devin's mum) "No! Don't you tell me to watch my tone! Cam took my sister! What are you going to do about it!? Wait... What?" he said. "What do mean that's not possible? I saw Angel being taken away by Cam ten minutes ago!"

"What? No I didn't fully see his face but who else would want to kidnap her?" Casey yelled. "What is it? What's happening?" I asked him. He turned to me with a very worried expression before saying "It wasn't Cam who took her. Cam was caught 45 minutes ago and he is in custody right now. He couldn't have taken her." I gasped. Then who would've taken her? We were at a dead end. Casey was still yelling at the police on the phone. "WHAT!?" he screamed. "How could you not tell us? I thought we were supposed to be kept up to date with everything and NOW you're telling me Red escaped from prison 5 HOURS AGO!"

That made Lauren and I look at each other in horror. After Casey yelled a few more words into the phone and threatened if anything happened to Angel he would sue the police, then he hung up and swore.

Casey paced the room for a few seconds before heading down the stairs. Lauren and I chased after him. "Where are you going?" we asked. "Where do you think? I'm going to get my sister!" "But you can't! You don't even know where he's taken her!" I said. "I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing!" He reached for the door handle and just as he opened it he yelled in fright then cursed. The paramedics were finally here and were just about to knock as Casey opened it. Lauren hurried them in and whispered to me as she led them upstairs to make sure Casey didn't leave. "He would do anything for you." She whispered before disappearing upstairs. What was that supposed to mean I thought. I dismissed it as Casey headed towards the garage to get his car.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back through the door. "Please don't go" I said. "All the police in the district are searching for her. My dad is bound to go with mum to the hospital so your mum and I will be all alone. Please don't leave us." I begged. Casey looked torn, I knew he wanted to find Angel but Red would probably kill her, and make Casey watch, before killing him too. Maybe Red wouldn't hurt Angel and it was just a threat. Who could harm such a beautiful girl?

Casey sighed before going back up the stairs. He went to the office and got the box with our cell phones. He grabbed his out then handed me mine. "We're not exactly in hiding anymore after the news broadcasted where we are staying, Cam in custody and Red already knowing where we are." I switched it on and put it on the coffee table as it went crazy with notifications from Emily, Natalie, Sam, Charlie and even a few from Johnny. Casey told me to text everyone I know and tell them to look out for Red and Angel. He did the same. As soon as I'd sent the group text to everybody in my contacts my phone rung. It was Sam.

"Hello" I said. "Oh my gosh! Devin I'm so sorry that my brother did that to you! I've been trying to call you the last 6 weeks. Why didn't you answer? Oh never mind, I can't believe Cam would do that to you! Are you okay? Where's Cam now do you know? I saw it on the news" Sam said in a rush. "Haven't you heard?" I said. "Cam was caught. He's in custody now." There was silence for a few seconds before I heard Sam's voice. "Oh I'm so glad! I was so scared when I didn't hear from you or Cam in six weeks that something had happened!" We spoke for a few more minutes before Casey tapped me on the shoulder then tapped his watch. I said goodbye to Sam saying we'd be in touch soon and to tell everyone he knows to look out for Angel.

"Right" Casey said. "We have to get going back to LA. The paramedics are leaving now. They're taking your mum to the closest hospital to stabilize her before airlifting her to LA. We'll meet them in LA. By the time they get there we'll be arriving at the same time.

I nodded and went to my mum and dad saying I'll see them both soon. I gently hugged my mum and dad whispered. "Please be careful. I'll see you soon." Before hurrying to the ambulance. Lauren went with them. Casey had moved mine and my parent's cars back into the garage so they were safe as they were still in the driveway. I grabbed my bag and jumped into Casey's car telling him to hurry up and get going.

In an hour we had to stop for petrol. I filled up the car while Casey went to pay so we could be back on the road as soon as possible. As I was putting the fuel cap back on I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw Jordan walking up to me. This guy seems to always be where I am, "I saw what happened on the news! I knew you shouldn't have gone with him. He's nothing but trouble." He said. I was starting to get annoyed that he kept saying Casey was the bad guy. 

I also wanted to get away as soon as possible and get back to LA. I tried to politely say I was in a hurry and had to get going when I saw Casey coming back out the door. I turned to get into the passenger seat but Jordan grabbed me by the shoulder. "No." He said quickly. "Don't go with him! He's trouble. Come with me!" He said in a lowered voice. 

Jordan grabbed my hand without waiting for an answer and began pulling me towards his car. "Hey stop it!" I said, trying to pry my hand away from his. "No. You're not safe with him." Jordan said nodding towards Casey who was coming towards the driver's side of the car, not noticing I wasn't there. Jordan pulled me faster and opened his car door. "Casey! Help me!" I screamed. 

Casey immediately looked up and saw me being dragged away. He raced towards me just as Jordan pushed me into the back seat of his car and slammed the door. I tried opening it again but the child lock was on. I was trapped. Casey was outside the car at this point and threw a punch at Jordan. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" He growled. 

Casey opened the door to let me out but just as I went to hop out, Jordan's phone sitting on the center console began to ring. Out of curiosity I leant forward to see who was ringing and my heart stopped as I saw the caller ID. Why was Red calling Jordan, the gas station clerk? I was about to bring this to Casey's attention but Jordan had picked himself up off the ground and was charging towards Casey. 

I yelled to get Casey's attention and without even looking behind him, Casey stepped to the left and stuck out his right elbow as Jordan's face came into contact with it. He collapsed to the floor and Casey pulled me out of the car. He hurried me back to his car and we were out of the gas station in ten seconds speeding back down the highway. 

Once I'd got my breath back I told Casey what I saw. "WHAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I WOULD'VE KILLED HIM THERE. He's working with the man who took my sister!" Casey made a move as if to do a U-turn and go back to the gas station but I stopped him "You can't go back, if you hurt him, or kill him, YOU'LL go to jail! And then who will look after Angel and Lauren?" He nodded still looking furious.

We continued the drive to LA. Luckily there wasn't much traffic at this hour so we made good time. I was on the phone to Dad as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. They'd stabilized her at the small hospital in a town not far from the safe house but had to get her to LA fast as she needed surgery. They'd arrived an hour ago and Mum was already in surgery.

We joined Dad in the waiting room and updated him on all that had happened since we left. I'd already called the police and told them of Jordan's involvement with Red and his attempted kidnapping of me. In 4 hours the surgeon came out. We all stood and looked at him. "Are you Mr. Andrews?" He asked. My Dad nodded. "We did everything we could but the extent of blood lost meant her body isn't strong enough. We had to put her in an induced coma and I can't say when or if she will ever wake up. I'm so sorry. But the nurses are moving her to Intensive Care and you can see her now." My Dad and I followed the doctor. Seeing my beautiful mother hooked up to many tubes and wires made tears begin falling down my cheeks. So much had happened in the last few weeks and I knew it was nowhere near over.

There was an escaped criminal on the loosehunting us down. Casey had saved my life so many times. I knew I wouldn't bealive without him. Only then did I notice he wasn't in the room. I went outsideinto the corridor and found him sitting in a chair. He stood up and I cametowards him and I enveloped him into a hug before breaking down. "I'm so scaredCasey." 


Another long chapter! I ended this chapter here because it landed on exactly 20,000 words. I can't believe I've actually written this much on a book. 

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