Dear Juliet

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     I wake up the next morning dreading the day. I have to go to school , and it's bittersweet. 

     I'll get to see you, of course, but I'll also have to see everyone else who's going to hate me even more after today. It sucks.

     I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth, the whole time thinking of what's going to happen awhen I get to school. I start to wonder if it was all a dream, and even if it wasn't, if you'd actually break up with Brandon or just pretend that nothing happened between us. 

     It wouldn't be the first time a girl's done that to me for fun. But you wouldn't do that. You're different, or at least I hope so. 

     I realize that I've been brushing my teeth for too long and rinse my mouth out, wincing as I see blood from my over brushed gums mix with water and swish down the drain. 

     Fantastic way to start the day. 

     I run down the stairs and call out, "I'm leaving mom!! I'll see you when I get home!!" 

    I'm almost out the door when she yells, "Bring your girlfriend over for lunch today!!! I want to see her again and maybe we can all go out to the movies!!" 

     I decide not to point out that we have almost no money and instead say, "I'll try mom!! Love you!"  

   And I run out the door and start the long walk to school.


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