Plans and Self Realization

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Anselma hung up with a groan, knowing deep in her heart Frank was going to go on a murder spree. Right next to him would be Elektra twirling knives, a glare covering her beautiful face. Matt would be right behind them trailing rainbows and puppies and unicorns, and all the while the preacher boy would be, well preaching, about how murder was wrong.

But of course the Daredevil wouldn't try to stop them. Not one bit. Because as much as Matt didn't like killing and refused to, he adored his little murder puppies and would let them do whatever made them happy. Plus, he was pissed as all hell Anselma had been hurt...

With another groan, she made her way back inside. The moment her feet touched the ground, Bruce and John were on her. Checking for any injuries, both doctors ignored the teen's glower. Anselma gently extracted herself from the men and scurried to safety by Natasha.

A single glance from the assassin had both avoiding eye contact along with physical. Anselma was glad. Jim strolled over and casually leaned on the red head's shoulder. To everyone's surprise the spy let him and even gave him a small smile. Anselma was instantly suspicious.

Sherlock ignored the consultant and pretended to be reading John's blog over his shoulder.

"So darling," Jim drawled. "You're staying. Do you know with who yet?" Sherlock stopped feigning disinterest at the question and sent a narrow look at the criminal mastermind. Sebastian sent a warning look at the detective, which the genius chose to ignore. John smacked both over the head. Sherlock glowered and Sebastian shrugged, unrepentant.

"I was hoping to stay somewhere where all of us could fit. I don't want to be separated from any of you." Anselma said quietly. Jim hummed thoughtfully before pulling out his phone and firing off a quick text. It wasn't long before he got a response. Jim smiled at whatever was sent.

"Alright Poppets, pack your bags. I don't have all day. Time to relocate to our new temporary home." He announced. Sherlock's gaze became narrower, his lips thinning in thought.

"What has you so busy, Moriarty?" He asked. Jim sent him a flirtatious wink. "Oh, you know, things to do, places to be. People to kill. All that booooring stuff." Sherlock blinked at him for a moment, not entirely certain if Jim was joking or not. He couldn't really tell with the gleam in Jim's eyes. It also didn't help when he was distracted by Anselma trying to muffle her giggles in Natasha's shoulder. The one not occupied with the bane of Sherlock's existence. It was the curly haired man's turn to hum in thought. He stared at Jim for a quiet moment before turning on his heel to begin packing.

"Come along John!" He called over his shoulder. John rolled his eyes and shared a knowing look with Sebastian. He followed along anyways. Anselma shook her head in amusement. She startled when Jim grabbed her arm and began gently leading her out of Baker Street. Only Sebastian, Tony and Loki followed. They all silently got into a sleek black car waiting for them at the curb. The ride was long but no one broke the quiet that settled comfortably around them. Anselma sat snug between her fathers while Sebastian lounged next to Jim who watched his sniper with gleaming eyes. The ex-soldier didn't notice, too busy scanning rooftops for any threats. Tony tugged his little girl to rest against his chest. Anselma sighed contentedly and relaxed. Loki wrapped both in his arms and watched as their daughter fell into a light sleep in his heart's arms. Tony smiled tiredly up at the trickster before burying his face in black curls and drifting off as well. Loki chuckled softly, drawing Jim's attention.

The genius' gaze softened as he caught sight of Anselma's face, peaceful in sleep. For a brief moment the pseudo Asgardian could see why his little girl trusted the man sitting before him. But a blink later and it was gone. The mask Jim wore was back in place and no trace of care was left in the man. There was no trace of anything. Loki was a bit awed by the skill of the human. He hadn't meant any as skilled in the art of lying and twisting truths as the frost giant. He hadn't spoken much to Jim, but Loki knew without a doubt Jim Moriarty was just as good, if not better, then he himself was.

Jim caught Loki looking and smirked at him, an amused look entering his eyes. He raised a questioning brow at the god who flushed and looked away. Jim chuckled throatily at that and nudged Loki with his foot. Loki sent him a warning glance. Jim's smirk just grew. Loki looked away again, the twist of the genius' lips reminding Loki of the man currently resting on Loki.

If Tony was awake and could read Loki's mind, the god had was certain the hero would be teasing Loki. He'd no doubt accuse Loki of having a crush on the man. And Loki didn't! He just admired the man's ability to lie and keep his emotions to himself without any effort. So what if Moriarty was smart? And charming and funny? And handsome, so handsome with those expressive brown eyes and that cruel smirk and his hair styled just so... Loki didn't have a crush! Moriarty was a genius, yes. And he was attractive as well as charming but so what? Tony had all of that in spades and Loki would be damned if he ever let a catch like Tony go. Loki was many things, but a fool wasn't one. So Moriarty could be as smart and sexy as he wanted. Loki had Tony. And Tony would always be enough. After all, the man of iron was Loki's. And the god wasn't too big on losing...

Jim gave Tony an appraising look. Or sharing, Loki tacked on as an afterthought. He ignored Jim's grin when he tightened his hold on his lover. Loki loved the man and no one was going to make him feel shamed or guilty for it.



I'm trying to get back the inspiration and drive I had for this story. I hope this chapter is good for you and you enjoy it. Sorry it took so long. I'll try to update as often as possible but I'll probably update once a week. Most likely on Sundays, as that's when I'm off. So, leave any comments if you have questions or concerns. Thanks for sticking with this story. It means a lot. :)

Love, Synaika

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