Through my optics (FINAL REALLY LONG)

Start from the beginning

Ultra Magnus PoV

We dodged a fire attack and shockwave shot at the flaming bird. It sent a wave of fire at us and I shot it back at it with the forge. "Eat that!" I yelled as it got hit and fell out of the sky. It screeched as it hit the floor. We ran at it. Shockwave dodged a claw but I got hit. A burn mark penetrated my armour and Energon leaked out. It made he bird eyes glow and it came right for me.

Shockwave got in front and hit it right in the eye. It screeched and flew up into the sky ready for another round of attacks. "Won't these things just die?" I asked and shockwave sighed. "Illogical they are already dead" he said and I growled. I heard Wheeljack yell about armour and I saw a weak spot. I got my blaster out and shot at a green canister. It explodes. The bird falls from the sky and I smash it in the helm shutting its optics.

Then a bright light blinds us.

Smokescreen PoV

I dodged a fire ball as the Predacon swiped It's claws at us. It was the smallest Dragon Predacon but it was just as bad as the others. It swiped it tail and caught Ratchet. "RATCHET!" I yell and I use be phase shifter to stop the Predacon from harming us anymore. I shot my blaster at the Predacon but it did nothing. "It's armour is stronger then cybertronian armour and it looks like starscream doubled the strength of there armour with a unknown metal" Ratchet explained.

I dragged him away from the Predacon and put the phase shifter on him. "I'll see you on the other side" I said and his optics widen. "Smokescreen don't!" He yelled and I ran up to the Predacon. I got it with my blaster as it screeched. I dodged its claw attack and it swiped its tail and I jumped over it. I shot him in the eye. He screeched in pain and wrap it tail around my I yell in pain. "SMOKESCREEN!" Ratchet yelled. Then a blinding white light blinds us.

Predaking PoV

I dodged one the Predacons head and I transformed to Predacon mode and swung my tail at it. The Predacon caught my tail in its mouth and thew me. I landed next to Navyblade who just got up and we were back to back with each over. :what a great way to die. Getting killed by our ancestors: Navyblade said in Predacon language. :Couldn't agree with you more..SteelWing. Would be disappointed: I chuckled as I clawed the Predacon in the face.

We did more damage then the the others since we are Predacons. But these are some strong aft Predacons. I growled as it caught my body as Energon leaked. :scrap: I hear Navyblade say before the thee headed mutt that navy was fighting slammed some metal down of us making us collapse to the floor. We roared in pain as they got ready to finish us. Then a blinding light flashed.

Optimus POV

I sent a wave of Energon at the Predacon using the star sabre and Megatronus used the dark star sabre and they collided to make a massive wave of purple and blue energy that just hit the flying Predacon by the tail bringing it down. A screeched accrued as we dodged a purple flame. "Optimus we cannot defeat it. Starscream put more armour on them. The only things that could have a single change on them is the Predacons" Megatronus said and I nodded in agreement.

I realised after I got hit by the Predacon. Megatronus was gone. I looked around and caught him sneaking up on starscream. I shot another strike on it and make dark Energon leak. I looked over and Megatronus grabbed the matrix and stabbed starscream. A yell could be heard and he laughed. "The Predacons won't stop. There Energon in them. Weaken them yes...but kill them....never" he said and his spark escapes from this world.

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