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The sky was a perfect match to my periwinkle romper. The palest blue with fluffy white clouds stretching across the abundant blue sky. Simply breathtaking.

"Madison!" Bella's voice rings out from downstairs of the beach house we rented for part of the summer, "You coming?"

Examining myself one more time, I fluff my sunshine colored blonde hair before padding down the stairs. My best friends sits at the island in the middle of the kitchen, twirling her spoon around in her empty cereal bowl. She hates drinking the milk afterward, claiming that there are still particles of her cereal left over. Scooping up her rosey pink bowl in one hand, I drink the milk despite the squeamish look on her face.

"Do you have to do that?" she asks getting up from her stool and dropping her spoon into the sink full of dirty dishes.

"Why waste the milk?" I ask, opening the fridge door, "It isn't that bad."

Grabbing a strawberry flavored yogurt, I close the door of fridge with my hip as Bella passes me a clean spoon. I take the vacant stool, shoving yogurt down my throat and carefully avoiding the chunks of strawberries in the yogurt.

"It's just like how you think the chunks of strawberries are good," I say, knocking a chunk back into my yogurt, "they are totally gag worthy."

Passing the now empty container of yogurt to her, she scoops my rejected chunks into her mouth, "Point taken."

Bella attempts to throw the yogurt container into the trash can, but it hits the rim and it tumbles onto the floor. She sticks out her bottom lip and says, "That was going in."

"That cross wind total caused you to miss it," I tease her, picking up the yogurt can and placing it in the trash can.

She sticks out her pale pink tongue at me before spinning around to face me, "What do you want to do on this perfect summer day?"

A cool breeze swirls through the open window on the opposite side of the room, ruffling the sunflower curtains. They dance in the breeze as it continues through the kitchen and it moves the free strands of Bella's copper blonde hair.

"Madison?" she asks, her face crumbling a bit. She becomes disoriented for a minute with a confused expression on her face. Bella is never sad.

Shopping, a voice hissed in my ear and the world comes back into focus with a perfect idea, "Yesterday you said that there was a cute local shop down the road. Do you want to go?"

I thought I imagined her sad face, because it lit up again; back to normal.

"Of course!" she chirps, "I'll run upstairs and get both of our wallets!"

Her feet retreat to the stairs as I smooth out my romper. I cross the room and crack open the screen door and am met with the sounds of seagulls and the crash of waves. There is no where else that is more perfect than this beach. Smooth yellow sand stretches out as far as the eye can see; as rolling sea blue waves lap at it. Seagulls in variations of white and gray, squawk at each other as a crab skitters across the sand. Colorful kites from far down the beach, sway in the wind dancing with joy.

"Madison! Stop daydreaming and let's go!" Bella's voice was right behind me and I snap out of my daze.

I slap on flip-flops as we walk down the hot concrete path which rides up beside the beach. Every few minutes, a lazy bike rolls past us as we exchange cheery smiles. Sea spray stings my nostrils and I breathe deeply taking in the wonderful aroma.

"Here it is!" Bella smiles, taking my arm into the little shop.

We are met immediately with dozens of racks of beachwear on sale. Perfect! Bella was directly drawn to the variety of summer colors on fun beach dresses. I make my way to the assortment of sunglasses. I spin the rack and watch as all the colors spin around and around leaving an endless cycle of rainbows.

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