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When i first met Michael Clifford I was 6. We were in pre school, back when life was easy. I was a small, red haired girl with freckles and the boys thought it was fun to pull on my pig tails. All of the boys except Michael. He'd come to my aid,

"What's wrong with red hair? I wish my hair was red." The boys had poked their tongues out at me and ran away. Michael wiped away my tears but only managed to smear mud across my face.

"You're really pretty, I'm Mikey! What's your name?" I had simply rubbed the mud from my face onto his,

"I'm Chai, your new best friend."

From then we had pretty much been inseperable. Of course our duo became a trio when Michael met Calum Hood. The 3 of us took on the world together, dealing with the awkward teenage phase, heart breaks, my family breaking apart and then, high school. 

To say that they were my best friends would be an understatement. I had loved these boys my entire life, but sometimes love runs deeper than you ever imagine. 


Her name is pronounced Ch-ay , like the youtuber, but honestly you can interpret it however. Image is what i imagine she looks like :) 

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