"Whoopee do! I have one in here too!" Luan giggled having referenced having a whoopee cushion in her butt,, pushing down on her butt cheeks and farting again as the other kids laughed at how her farts sounded, despite some of the adults shaking their heads, thinking Luan was gross for including toilet based humor in her act.

Later that day, Luan sat on her bed, a loud fart sound coming from beneath her. Luan stood up, seeing there was nothing there. "Hmm, no whoopee cushion?" Luan flipped up her bed cover, nothing was there."

"Nah dudette, that loud one was all you." Luna stated while she tuned her purple guitar.

Luan smiled and squinted a bit as her fart gas smell hit her. "Guess I really caught wind of the situation." Luan joked and giggled. "Get it?"

"Yeah, whatever dude. You're not the only one who's got smelly jams in their hams." Luna lifted her leg, farting loudly. "Pretty sick though, makes me feel loud and proud!" Luna stood up and ripped another fart.

Luan laughed. "I get it! Loud! Good one, Luna!" Luan caught Luna's rotten butt wind. "Phew, ironically enough, you stink!" Luan joked, then of course laughed, then farted.

"You stink too dude!" Luna laughed and fanned the air.

Luan laughed. "Thanks, but I don't need you to toot-er me on comedy." Luan laughed. "Get it?" Luan farted again. So did Luna.

Luna was doing another concert with her band mates, farting into the microphone as the audience cheered for Luna, liking her brassy gas as it went well with the music they were playing, then later after the concert, Luna walked past Sam's locker, farting loudly in front of Sam.

"Luna, was that you?" Sam asked.

Luna gasped, blushing as she farted again. "Sam? I didn't meant to-"

"That is so cool! And the way you brassed it up back there! Can I join you?" Sam lifted her leg, farting too.

Luna smiled, though feeling a bit surprised to see her secret admirer so gassy as the two of them walked together, each of them ripping farts together, despite what anyone else nearby thought.

Lynn was in the middle of a soccer game, when she accidentally farted so loudly that she blew herself and the ball into the other team's goal, the crowds cheering as Lynn's gassy outburst won them the game, the rest of the Louds being in the audience as they cheered, each of the girls ripping farts every so often.

"Sigh. Nothing like the smell of death to make me think about death, and inspiration for this poem." Lucy held up her book of poems, farting again as her whole room stunk horribly, with Lynn being somewhere else since Lucy's farts were bad enough to knock someone unconscious. "To die once, to let go of a fart. One is not so smart, and the other takes heart, even if one must. Sometimes we take lust, till we're farting dust, as our lives rust."

Lola was walking on the runway, showing off as she was in the middle of a beauty pageant. "Yes, thank you, thank you! I'm the most beautiful, most ladylike-" suddenly Lola farted so loudly and strongly, much to her shock as the entire building shook from her flatulence, everyone else gasping as Lola blushed in embarrassment.

After a few moments, Lola stopped farting, embarrassed beyond all belief, having ripped a huge one in front of other people, all of whom were silent for a moment.

Then they all started cheering, the judges also clapping as Lola was given the pageant crown and sash.

"And the winner of the Little Miss Windy Pageant is, Lola Loud!" the host accounted as Lola was silent for a few seconds, then she smiled and waved.

"Yes, yes if you thought that one was loud and windy, just wait!" Lola stated, ripping another loud poot.

"Cannonball!" Lana hollered as she ran and jumped into a mud puddle, which was deep enough for Lana to rip a loud toot that caused several mud bubbles to rise up, with Lana giggling as she kept farting in the mud.

Lola watched, groaning in disgust. "Hmph. Don't include me."

"Come on, Lola! You take mud baths at the spa don't you?" Lana stated as she continued to fart muddy bubbles that caused the puddle to stink worse.

"This mud is dirty! And stinky!" Lola growled.

"So is the mud you bathe in!" Lana argued.

"Is not!" Lola butted heads with Lana.

"Is too!" Lana fumed, the two of them fighting again as Lana pulled Lola into the mud, the two of them fighting in it as they both ripped big farts in each other's faces during the scrap.

"I just don't think it's fair, all the girls get to fart and I don't!" Lincoln remarked, conversing with Lisa, who was removed Lily's 86th dirty diaper that day.

"Well, the idea of males resorting to toilet humor in the presence of an audience has been in fact exhausted, and the idea of females doing it is more untapped, not to mention females have better flatulation abilities than boys do." Lisa smiled. "I'm doing a flatulence study."

"Well, I can fart too!" Lincoln remarked, bending over and ripping a loud fart. "See?"

"Lincoln!" Lynn remarked, fanning the air as she stared at him.

"Sorry." Lincoln shrugged.

"You should be sorry!" Lynn remarked, then suddenly she stormed into his personal space, smiling. "Cuz that was weak!" Lynn quickly turned around, then farted as loud and gross and dangerous as possible, causing Lincoln to be blown out the window.

"Interesting!" Lisa quickly pulled out a clipboard and wrote stuff down, farting as she did, before Lily ran by her, not wearing a diaper and farting in her personal space, the Loud genius running after her. "No! Come back! Don't poop!"

Meanwhile outside, Clyde pulled Lincoln up. "You ok dude?" Clyde had recovered from seeing Lori fart, his boyhood back under control.

"Yeah." Lincoln stood up. "And I thought living with 10 girls was hard before. But I can still handle it."

Suddenly a loud, ground shaking butt burp could be heard from inside the Loud house, followed by the sound of defecation.

"Oh-!" Lisa cursed, another loud fart drowning out her use of profanity.

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