Chapter 3

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"UGH! I NEED INSPIRATION!" Lucy yelled, frustrated as she couldn't write her next poem, trying to figure out how to write it. She was sitting in her room with Lynn on her bed by her.

"You need inspiration? No problem!" Lynn peered out of the room. "You guys! Lucy needs inspiration!"

Just then, Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan stormed in, aimed their butts at Lucy and ripped as many deep pitched, brassy farts as possible on her.

"Yay. Now I feel inspired." Lucy smiled as she started writing down stuff, the other girls continuing to blast farts at her.

"Well didn't want you to frustrate yourself to death." Luan laughed as she kept farting on Lucy. "Get it?"

"Keep pumping out that smelly brass from the ass!" Luna exclaimed, also farting.

"This is literally the stinkiest help I've ever given." Lori plugged her nose.

"That's it, little ol' butt of mine! Tell Lucy what to write!" Leni saw Lucy writing down words. "Wow. So she speaks butt. That's creepy, but convenient!"

Luan was lying on her bed, trying to hold in her laughter from the funny sounding farts Luna was ripping, the latter of whom was in her bed, kissing and hugging her girlfriend Sam who was also farting, the two of them turned on by each other's bouts of flatulence.

Then Luan had a thought. "Maybe that Maggie girl who likes mimes is also gassy! I mean, the Loud House fandom did ship us, and she's a girl." Luan stated. "I'll go gas-k her!" Luan laughed.

Luna gave Luan the OK hand gesture as she continued to kiss Sam, their eyes being closed and their butts being loud and gassy. That being done, Luan ripped a big fart and stormed out the room.

"She gone?" Sam asked, breaking her kiss with Luna, wiping the drool off her mouth.

"Yeah dude." Luna nodded.

Sam lifted the bed sheet off of Luna's bed, getting under them as she gestured her to get inside, having a sly expression on her face.

"Fuck yeah!" Luna hollered, lifting her fist in triumph as she followed Sam under the sheets, the two of them ripping more beasts deep pitched farts, dutch ovening each other as they each started throwing their clothes out from underneath.

Meanwhile Lynn witnessed this as she walked past the room, frowning being her reaction to this. "Man." Then Lynn got an idea, a hanging lightbulb above her head lighting up as she also farted. "Hey Lincoln!" she stormed off to find him.

"Oh Clyyyyde!" Lori called out to Clyde in a sexual tone, the two of them in the middle of white nowhere as Lori turned around, pulling her pants down to reveal her otherwise beautifully shaped butt clad in light blue panties, smiling as she started to literally wiggle her butt for Clyde.

"L-L-L-Lori?" Clyde gasped, his nose bleeding indefinitely as he couldn't believe what he saw. His little boy crotch literally popped when he witnessed Lori started to rip a series of big and loud farts. She was literally farting up a storm in Clyde's face. Clyde couldn't believe it as she couldn't help but approach Lori's sexy, farting butt. The other Loud sisters appeared, surrounding him and smiling and feeling compassionate towards Lincoln's friend as Clyde's face just barely touched Lori's butt...

Then Clyde woke up, realizing it was all a dream as he turned on the light, seeing that his bed was covered in nose blood, which was also dripping from his nose.

"Dang it." Clyde remarked, feeling annoyed before he passed out in his bed from having bled out his nose.

Luan was at Maggie's house, knocking on the door as she smiled to herself. Maggie answered the door, wearing her usual frowning emo face.

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