Author's Notes

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Hello everyone!

Here come my obligatory author's notes because it adds an extra chapter and I like writing them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, it was kind of my way of exploring Jily and getting away from The Idiot with the Glasses which is just getting soooooo long (As I'm writing this, it's got 92 chapters published which is a lot for me to handle) so yeah, this was just a bit of fun. I won't go further as you guys know what happens next basically, Jily gets together and stuff but this is just kind of background to when they maybe became friends and possibly the start of something more.

Also, I very briefly got to touch upon a theme which I didn't in the other Jily book that I always imagined Lily would be nice to everyone other than James and co. simply because she didn't think anything of it and assumed they could handle it as a sort of habit which I wanted to see her kind of shake or at least acknowledge. I just wanted to show that she is nice but also could be stubborn as fuck and kind of mean without even knowing she's doing it and actually getting called out on it.  I don't know if that made sense but I wanted to touch upon it.

Anyway, thank you all so much reading and all your lovely comments (I will try and reply to as many as I can when I get the chance as I love talking to you guys) so thank you! Also, I lowkey loved writing the Potioneers because they were basically the four most dysfunctional people I'd ever met and I rarely do that so they may appear in some form in other books if I remember.

  Adiós and see you next time! - E x  

The Potioneers of Damocles ✓ | JILYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ