Chapter Seventeen

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"So, you're really okay with not being a part of the Potioneers?" Hestia asked as the two girls packed their trunks. Over the past week, Lily had seemed ridiculously happy given her triple rejection and her friends were suspicious even though, for once, Lily felt truly accepting of her situation.

Giving her friend a Potter-worthy casual grin, she replied, "Yeah, I'm okay. It stung a little at first but it's like the world has been lifted off my shoulders."

Hestia laughed, "Bit dramatic."

"Probably Sirius's influence," Lily replied, as she slammed her suitcase shut, "Even though I only hung out with him twice - "

"And you've been around him for the past five years," Hestia interjected, "Bound to have some influence. I know that James has probably driven me mad from annoyance."

"He's not that bad," Lily replied, examining her suitcase and nodding with approval at how neatly closed it was. From behind her, Hestia gave a small titter which made her turn around, raising a disapproving eyebrow.

"What's so funny?"

Hestia shook her head, "Just ... you. You're so stubborn and yet so ... not."

"I don't know what you could possibly mean by that."

"Sure," Hestia replied with a grin, "Sure you don't."

It seemed that Hestia wanted to continue the discussion but dropped it mainly because half of her stuff still littered the floor of the common room. The two girls were the last to leave the dorm room, standing in the doorway and sighing dramatically as if it were their last time there and not somewhere they would return to in less than two months. Usually, when the two came down into the common room, Lily found herself subconsciously looking out for Sturgis but today, her mind was focused on finding the messy haired boy who'd help her get out of the uncomfortable Potioneers ... to say goodbye to before the holidays of course.

Strangely whilst his three friends were there, he was weirdly absent and her brow furrowed slightly out of mild concern before deciding that he was probably just wreaking havoc one last time.

Sturgis was standing with a group of people, chatting away and Lily realised, with mild embarrassment that one of them was Caradoc. She hadn't spoke to any of the Potioneers since the incident and had assumed that they hated her but Caradoc gave her a jovial grin as she walked up.

"Lily, Hestia, there are you!" Sturgis said, checking his imaginary watch, "You're ten minutes later."

"You don't have a watch," Hestia replied dryly, "So what was everyone talking about."

"Quidditch," Someone replied and Hestia couldn't help but make a remark about how the sport was overrated which of course set the discussion alive again. As they spoke, Lily was aware of Caradoc sidling up to her. For a brief moment, she considered walking away but if there was anything she'd learnt from the whole ordeal, it was to face up to her failures and be honest and avoiding Caradoc would feel like a step in the wrong direction.

"Hi Lily," He grinned, "How are you doing?"

She gave a shrug, "Pretty groovy actually, and yourself."

"Likewise," Caradoc replied, "Finished the Flame and the Flower if you want to know the ending. Heather ends up with Brandon ... her rapist and we're meant to be happy about it so it's safe to say I will not be reading that book again."

Lily shivered, "That's grim. So, is it weird to ask if ... um ... the other Potioneers have said anything since my rather spectacular departure."

With a grin, Caradoc replied, "Of course they did and you know it. Oni was a little disappointed that you turned out to be a prankster - "

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