Chapter Thirteen

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Lily could have run to Sturgis or Hestia to bask in her good news but the only person she wanted to brag to was James. Even though her plan to chat with Finola had failed, at the end of the day she'd still managed to get into the Potioneers of Damocles and proved him wrong which was the main thing. She'd decided to carefully leave the fact she was on probation out as that would only diminish her accomplishment.

James proved to be relatively easy to find, lying on his bed in the boys' dorm. Usually, the prospect of entering the room would have slightly terrified her but now she was the Dragon and the Dragon had no fear.

"Suck it, Potter, I'm a Potioneer, you were wrong!" She yelled, slamming the door open so that it rebounded sharply, almost bouncing back and hitting her in the face. In the space of a few seconds, James's expression changed from fear to happiness, followed by confusion mixed with what could only be described as James's signature arrogance.

"Wrong? I was rooting for you!"

This was true but right now she just wanted to gloat, "Yeah, well this morning, you said my last plan wouldn't work and it did work, I went and spoke to Oni and I am in, baby!"

"Baby?" Remus's head suddenly peered around the bedpost, giving her a slight fright. She'd been so focused on James, that she's completely forgotten he probably wasn't alone. Glancing around the room, she noticed not one but four pairs of eyes on her, which slightly dented her confidence, now that she'd yelled at an audience.

"I mean, she is his woman..." Sirius joked, earning him a glare from Lily. However, that glare was quickly replaced by a smug sense of superiority as she folded her arms. She no longer needed to resort to looks and words, she was a Potioneer now.

"I am not his woman, Black," She replied, holding her nose in the air, "Keep up that talk and my hand might slip and pour some living death into your morning pumpkin juice - "

"Firewhisky," Remus corrected, "He has morning Firewhisky."

Sirius smiled over at Remus before laying back on his bed, "Scary new attitude, Lily ... and I'm digging it. You could use a bit of an edge - "

"You already had an edge," James cut in, "Although you never did death threats before..."

Their positive reaction, only boosted her confidence, "Well, Potioneer Lily is very edgy, so edgy that she make Sirius look like ... look like a Disney Princess."

This remark was met by blank stares from three of the Marauders which stood in stark contrast to the muggleborn Peter's reaction, who burst into raucous laughter.

"Oh, Padfoot ... a Disney princess ... I love it," He said between laughs.

Although Sirius didn't understand it entirely, he clearly picked up her subtle mockery, "Careful, Lily, you're cashing in cheques that your attitude can't fill."

James was looking at her with faint amusement, "You did it, I'm very impressed ... and glad that I now have access to Gillyweed whenever I want," He lay back on the bed, "So, Evans, how would you rate our customer service?"

"Um ... a sloppy six," She replied, "Mainly because I did the work in the end because I wasn't a Damsel, I was a roaring dragon and Sirius somehow managed to make Caradoc fall in love with him which wasn't part of the plan."

Sirius shrugged, turning to a small mirror by his bed, "What can I say? I am irresistible to everything, men, women, wolves, cats - "

"I think you're narcissistic, personally," Remus interjected.

"Say it to my face."

"I just did, you were too busy looking at your own reflection," Remus said with a grin.

The Potioneers of Damocles ✓ | JILYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora