The end?

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negan pov

"I love you." i breathed into her hair. She looked at me and smiled a bit, "I am sorry." "I am sorry too sweetheart." She started to cry. I looked over at Cocoa. "I need to clean up." "Show her to a nice room Simon, get her anything she wants for now and then get her a nice job." Simon nodded and escorted Cocoa out of the room, shutting the door, leaving me and my girl alone. 

"Negan don't be a cruel man." I looked at her. "I just want to keep you safe sweetheart, you and our son." he looked at his son and smiled. "I love you my boy." 

"Don't ever leave us again." 

"I won't ever sweetheart."

and there Negan was..with the love of his life and his son again

(its short but i want to know should i post a third book?)

In Love with a Monster //NeganWhere stories live. Discover now