The twins, that you subconsciously knew were up to no good,

"What do you want with Haruhi?-"

Hikaru asked, slinging an arm around your shoulder.

"What?-" You questioned and just as you said that the other twin, Kaoru slung an arm around your shoulder.

"I-I just wanted his help...for something-"

You replied nervously as your cheeks tainted pink.

"Why are you blushing? Did you ask Haruhi to do something inappropriate for you?-" Hikaru questioned.

"What? No! Ew...I wanted him to help me get closer to Mori-"

You responded before clamping a hand over your mouth.

Oh no! Cats out of the bag!

"Ohh, so that's what this is-"

They said in unison, before an eerie smirk stretched across their mouths.

"Mori!~" They sang in unison,

"He's not even here so-" You started until, you saw the tall attractive male begin walking in with the small blond man child alongside him.

Your heartbeat quickened and you flailed your arms around, hitting the two twins obnoxiously and swinging arbitrarily; hoping that at least a few punches would hit them.

"You have a secret admirer!~" Hikaru chirped once more, and their guests began filing in.

Your cheeks darkened in embarassment,

"Please stop!-" You pleaded, clamping a hand over the ginger's mouth.


That same monotone, deep voice rung in your ears.

Oh no! He's here!-

You stared at him with wide eyes before averting your gaze to your shoes. You couldn't face him...not like this- you were flustered and had red cheeks.

Does my hair look okay? Do I seem too awkward?

You thought, shifting uncomfortably under his blank gaze.

"I...uh-" You stared pondering how to break the ice.

"Excuse me. May I get by-"

Was all he said and that's when you realized you were standing right in front of his table. His guests were not too happy that you were the reason why their time with them has been shaved off by a minute.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry-"

You apologized bowing your head slightly, it was rather awkward. Seeing the school 'thug' or 'delinquent' becoming flustered.

You sharply swerved on your heel, marching away.

How embarassing! I'm honestly such a loser!

"Goodbye lover boy!~"

Hikaru and Kaoru waved in unison, and you groaned attempting not to pull your hair out in frustration.


"Would this really get Mori to like me?"

You chirped, questioning the twins' antics,

"Oh yes. Yes Of course~"

They said in unison but the alarming way their lips curled in amusement, you couldn't help but think they were conspiring against you.

You stared at the bunny in your palms,

" smashing this bunny with my foot- he'd start liking me?"

You quirked a brow,

"Yep, he detests bunnies and stuffed animals."

Kaoru replied with a prideful smirk,

"But...doesn't his little blond friend carry this around? I don't wanna get in trouble-"

You said worriedly,

"It's not his, and besides if it was his; He's not here. So who would he blame?"

Hikaru added.

"Would you rather want a kid mad at you or risk any future relationship you have with Mori?"

The mischevious twin continued with a raised brow.

You pursed your lips, pondering the situation.

"Fine, I guess-"

You placed the stuffed bunny on the tiled floor, before bringing your knee high up. About to wipe the face off of this token bunny rabbit.

But, before you could slam your foot down a high pitched child like voice perked up as footsteps clacked against the floor,

"Hika-chan, Kao-chan, have you seen Usa-cha"

The blond teen was interrupted as he took sight of the situation.

His beloved friend and stuffed animal given to him by his grandma, was being victimized.

And your foot up in the air.

You froze,

"....I don't suppose that....this is Usa-Chan, right?"

You croaked.

A shadow casted over Honey-Senpai's eyes, all he knew was that Usa-Chan was in danger and it's all your fault.

"I can explain this! Those shady twins set me up!"

You explained before glancing around you, and the twins that were previously standing beside you had seemingly disappeared.

The terrifying blond man child began walking towards you and each step was more menacing and malevolent than the next.

You froze like a deer in headlights, shaking for dear life.

At least now you know, not to mess with Honey-Senpai's Usa-Chan.


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