19 || Underfell! Papyrus x Dog! Royal Guard! Reader ||

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[ Edited: March 10, 2019 ]

Editor's Note: The reader in this is like Doggo, in the sense they can speak but they're still a dog.

   Since you were born, you'd been trained and destined to be apart of the palace as a royal guard. It was just something you're born into when you're a dog in the underground. That night, you sat up in your bed and looked around the guards quarters of the castle. All the other dogs in the room were asleep, causing you to be more apprehensive of getting up.

"I wonder what time it is?" You thought as you stood up from your bed.

You stepped out into the hall, and started walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. You hoped that it might help you fall asleep again.

" What are you doing!" A loud voice said echoing down the hall from behind you. Your ears twitched as you turned around to see that Papyrus was at the end of the hall.

"Hello Papyr- I mean sir, sorry." You say and look down.

"Why are you walking around out here? You're supposed to be in your room, or the king will punish you." Papyrus said.

You were a new to the royal guards, so you didn't know much about Papyrus or Undyne. Though, you did once meet Papyrus' brother while on duty, he told you that you shouldn't mess with him.

However, you were curious and dog, so you just had to ask him, " How did you get that crack in your skull?"

Papyrus looked at you angrily, caysing you to realize what you just asked him.

" Sorry, Sorry! I didn't mean to ask." You say and look down at your feet, your ears pressing to your head.

"Just go back to your room. You have no reason to be around right now." Papyrus said rather calmly. You sorta sigh in relief, but still quickly run back to the guard room.

"At least he wasn't that mad." You think, laying down to go to bed again.

θ θ θ

Later that day, you were walking around Snowdin for awhile after you were with the dogs at Grillby's. All the guards got some time off, even with all the chaos that would go on in the underground that needed you.

"Hey, it's you again." A voice said from behind you.

It was the shorter skeleton that you remembered being Papyrus' brother, you were pretty sure his name was Sans.

"Oh hello again, woof!" You smile at him.

As a guard, you're supposed to keep everyone in place. To establish respect you were meant to treat everyone in a sinister was. But, you felt Sans was different, and an important ally if you two were "friends".

"What're you doing out here, I thought you were a royal guard or somethin'." Sans said,

"I'm on my break, aren't you supposed to be working?" You ask and walk up next to him.

He smelled like mustard for some reason. It really surprised you that he was related to your boss. They were both skeletons, but Sans looked a lot different than Papyrus. Not just height wise, but personality wise Sans was clearly a lot calmer than his brother.

"I'm on my break." He lied.

"Aren't you always on your break then?" You ask.

He laughs, "Good one, you know me well."

"You should get back to work, before your brother comes and see's you slacking off." You say as your tail wags slightly.

"Exactly Sans, get back to work." A menacing voice said. You spin around to see Papyrus standing angrily behind the two of you.

"Right away, boss." He said while mumbling at the end. You were confused why Sans would address him like that if they were brothers.

"Sorry sir, I'll get back to work." You said slightly timidly.

You knew you shouldn't have been scared of Papyrus since you were both royal guards. Though, you couldn't deny the fact that he was quite menacing. Especially with the scar on his face, that made him look dangerous.

"Don't ever encourage him." He replied. You ears dropped a bit at his tone and you stepped back slightly.

"I understand, sir. I won't do it again" You said quietly, your ears still down.

" Ugh, you're so difficult." Papyrus growled and grabbed your wrist. He began dragging you off somewhere.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"How long have you been in Waterfall before?" He asks, clearly trying to sound calmer.

"Is this a test?" You wondered, looking at him curiously.

"I've only ever passed through to come here or back. I've never been stationed there before." You replied.

"We're going there." He said.

After you said that there was no sound other than the sound of crunching snow under your feet. Occasionally there'd be monsters running out of the way of Papyrus. Clearly, others were afraid of him too.

"Um-- where are we going in Waterfall, sir?" You asked nervously.

"You ask too many questions, just wait until we get there." He replied while grabbing your wrist tighter.

"Ow." You mumbled so that he couldn't hear you. Obviously he did since he slowed down slightly, before relaxing his grip on you.

Eventually you two made it  to a special part in Waterfall. You two were at the biggest waterfall in the area. Papyrus let go of you as you sat down at the edge of the river that flowed from the waterfall.

You gasped, "It's beautiful! What's that!"

You point towards the echo flower that was just about next to you.

"You've never seen an echo flower!" He said in slight disbelief.

"No, I grew up in the palace. I've seen them when I passed through, but I never knew what they were." You said and looked at the flower.

Papyrus looked at you before sighing, "They repeat what they last heard, echo flowers."

"They do?!" You said with amazement in your eyes.

Papyrus looked at you for a second before realizing that your tail was wagging again. He realized you seemed to do that when you were happy. Your tail had stopped wagging again. Papyrus hadn't realized until now how cute you looked when you were happy. Your tail would swish back and forth and your eyes would sparkle.

"Go get back to work, your break is done by now." Papyrus said, turning arou,d and beginning to walk off.

"Oh yeah, I'll see you later, P- sir." You said nervously before getting up and running back the way you two came.

Papyrus watched as you ran off before looking back the water than ran down the river. He suddenly felt oddly guilty for being mean to you.

"How can one of thise stupid mutts make me feel this way." He thought, a red hue appearing on his cheeks.


Long time, no see! Sorry this sucks, I was rushing it mostly. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Word Count: 1163

Undertale AU x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora