the next day

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I feel someone gently shake my shoulders as I slow wake up slowly come out of my slumber my head starts pounding and my eyes are stinging I close them again hoping all the pain will go away but hey life is a bitch. I open them again and groan in pain I look around to find who has woken me I see Uncle Paul sitting there with a concerned look on his face im a little surprised to tell you the truth normal mum or dad would wake me and if they couldn’t one of the boys or aunty Perrie would.

“Are you feeling ok Grace?” he ask I just nod at him rubbing sleep from my eyes I wonder where mum and dad are.

“Uncle Paul where’s Mummy or daddy?” I ask him wincing at the sound of my voice my head is aching really bad.

“Well you Mum had got a call for some work last night don’t worry it is local and the boys had an interview they should be home to take you to school, now get dressed little one ill meet you down stairs James is cooking breakfast turns out he is a good cook” he says and leaves the room I pull myself out of bed and go find something to wear I really can’t be bothered today so I just get a pair of black tights I put a singlet on and go to Mum and Dads room I take one of dads long sleeve tops and go back and throw on my converse and pull my hair back I probably look like hell but whatever I go down stairs. I don’t know James too well but from what time I have spent with him he seems cool he is younger then Paul and maybe a little older then the boys he wearing a pink filly apron I laugh a little and climb up on the kitchen stool I rest my head in my hands. I start thinking about the letter last night I wonder if I can talk to Dakota I want to understand what dad was feeling I want to know more about how he died I just want answers.

“Eat up shorty, anything particular you wanted to Lunch today?” he ask me I look at him he wipes his hands on his pink apron again I smile at how funny it looks really funny he is like really muscly yet here he is wearing a pink apron.

“Can I have a fruit Salad?” I ask not even sure if we have a lot of fruit. I hope we do I really want lots of fruit. I look gown at my plate and I see pancakes on the top there is a smiley face made with strawberries. I decide I don’t want to eat the smiley face so I gently pick it up and move it to the side. All the sudden James leans over and sprays whipped cream onto the pancakes I look up confused.

“Sorry shorty I forgot the most important part and it kind of looks like you need some cheering up today shorty” he says and continues to get stuff out of the fridge for my lunch. I smile feeling a lot happier a bit happier would be so much better if this headache went away or my eyes stopped stinging I pick up my knife and fork and start eating the 2 remaining pancakes about half way through Paul comes in.

“Hey Miss Gracie 2 things here is some Panadol maybe it get rid of that headache that you claim you don’t have and some bad news I have to run the boys are stuck at the radio station after their interview so I need to rescue them. James please make sure you get this little star to school without any issue.” Paul says when he says this any happiness that was there instantly left my own parents can’t even be here to take me to school today. Paul leans down a kisses my Cheek and gives me a hug.

“Your dad said have a good day and told me to give you a kiss.” He says ruffling my hair a little and leaving. I look down at my plate no longer feeling hungry I just want today to be over already. I’m so tired

We arrive at school and there are a few paparazzi here I hear James say something under his breath. He turns and looks at me I give him a little smile trying to convince him that it is ok but deep down I’m scared je gets out of the car and comes to my door I have learnt when the pap’s are around to wait for someone to come to my door. My door opens and James is standing there looking a little unsure.

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