Seth and I head inside as the flood gates open, the clouds part, and the down pour begins. I shut the door just as heat lightening dances across the sky, and a gust of cold air washes over me.

I turn to find both of the packs eyes on me. Sam stood in the front, arms crossed like he was about to kill somebody. Everybody else was scattered across the room, looking guilty and/or confused.

I look to my right at Seth, and he just shrugs. I give a half-hearted chuckle.

"So, what's going on? Vampires, someone go missing?" I ask trying to lighten the mood. Everybody, minus Sam, exchange worried glances. " Okay, guys, your starting to freak me out a little here." I say.

"So, your leaving the pack!" Sam yells at me. I flinch back shocked. What does he mean? "W-what are you talking about? Who said that I was leaving?" Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes. " Well you and farm boy imprinted on each other didn't you?" He asks mockingly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I stand there shocked. Then, the anger takes over.

"Um, excuse you? What are you, on your period or something?" I ask, which earns some silent chuckles from some of the guys. Sam narrows his eyes. " You have to make a decision Leah! It's either you join his pack and abandon us like a coward, or you stay here and work something out with lover boy. You can't have it both ways! So are you leaving or what?"

I raise my eyebrows, and put my right hand up. " What the heck is your problem? And so what if I imprinted? I don't have to decide anything! Why do you even care?" I shout. " My problem is that you're going to be bailing on us for some redneck hillbilly!" I walk straight up to Sam, and meet him face-to-face and point my finger at him.
     " I swear to God Sam, if you call him that, one more time-" I yell. " Woah, woah, woah! Break it up!" Jacob says as he pulls us apart. He stares hard at Sam.

"Lighten up. This is not what we agreed on." Jacob says in a low, harsh voice.
      Wait a minute. He knew about this? What else have they been hiding from me?!

"You were in on this?!" I yell, shrugging Jake's hand off of my shoulder. He looks at me guiltily. I look around at the others angrily. " What is this? You all invited us here so that you could ambush me?"  I yell hurt. How could they do this to me? Did it matter if I left? They all hate me anyways, what's the big deal?

"We know that you imprinted on Jordan. We all just want you to stay Leah. We don't want you to switch packs." Embry says glumly from his spot on the sofa.

"Yeah, I mean, despite the fact that you can be a real pain in the ass, we don't want you leaving the tribe for some guy that you barely even know. You're a Quiluete. It just isn't right." Paul explains annoyed.

I turn to Seth, trying to keep my anger in check. " Did you know about this too?" He raises his hands in mock surrender. " I honestly knew nothing about this. I swear to God, Leah." He says earnestly.

I turn to the rest of the knuckle heads.

"Well, I hate to burst your bubble hear, but it really isn't any of your dang business! I am an adult, and I will do what I want. You honestly think that ambushing me is going to make me want to stay here? Because if you all do, than you are even dumber than I thought!" I exclaim clenching my fists together. How could they do this to me? I trusted them! They could have just asked me, but no. They had to go behind my back and ruin my good mood! For God's sake, Jordan and I haven't even talked about this! What the heck brought this on?

I turn around to leave.

"Come on Leah. You honestly think that leaving is what your father would want?" I stop dead in my tracks as the guys all take in sharp breaths.

     " I mean think about it Leah. Is this what he would want? I mean, you owe it to us. Your tribe. It's your obligation. Plus, after your father's death being your fault, you owe it to him to stay here."

That last line caused me to snap. I turn around, and punch Sam full force.

In the face.

Word to the wise, do not piss me off.

     A loud crack echo's through the house, and Sam flies across the room, hitting the ground with a thud. He was flat on his back, and had a bloody, broken nose. I hear gasps from all of the guys, just before I run toward the door, fling it open, and run out into the rain.

I dash to the car, ignoring the yells from the guys. " Just leave you psycho, nobody wants you here!" Sam yells after me. " Oh shut up, Sam! No wonder she broke your face! We were only supposed to talk with her about making a decision, not accuse and interrogate her!" Jacob yells at him.  
" That was completely uncalled for! You had no right to do that to her! None!" Seth yells.

I ignore them.

I hop inside, close to sobbing, and start the car, burning mud as I gun it out of there. I don't realize where I'm driving, until I pull up to the familiar yellow house. My house.

I hop out, tears streaming down my face, and don't even bother closing the door. I run up the wooden steps and burst through the front door to find my mom and Charlie laughing on the couch. They both turn to me immediately, but, before my mom can get the question out, I'm already up the stairs, packing my yellow duffle bag. I throw in some clothes, a framed picture of my dad and I, some books, money, my phone, and a pair of sneakers. I zip it up, throw it over my shoulder, run out of my room, and past my mom who finally made it up to my doorway.

"Leah! Leah what's wrong honey? What happened?" she asks trailing behind me as I take the stairs two at a time. I stop in front of the door, hand on the knob, and turn to her.

"You want to know what's wrong? Nobody wants me around, that's what's wrong!" And with that, I throw the front door open and run to the car. I hop into the driver's seat, put the bag in the passenger's side, and shut the car door. I start it, and peel out of the driveway as Charlie and my mom chase after me, calling out my name. Begging for me to come home.

I scoff. Home?

I don't have a home.

A home is where you are accepted and loved, where if somebody wants to talk to you, they ask politely.

Where no one betrays one another.

Where you can trust somebody.

And most of all, it's where you belong.

But I don't belong here. I never have, and I never will.

I'm just a burden. Why not lesson up the work load and leave?

I let the tears fall as I reach the border of La Push, and head into Passaic territory.


Ha, what a funny word.

Hey guys! I am so sorry that I took so long to update! I have had crazy family stuff going on, and it took my a long time to find inspiration for this chapter!
But, I hope you liked it!

What do you think Sam meant about Harry's death being her fault?

Where will Leah go?

And what about Jordan and Leah?

Are they going to start a relationship?

Read on to find out!

And also, please comment some feedback and ideas! I could really use the extra help and support.

Peace Out Girl Scout,

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