8 ♛

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EIGHT // "is he gone again?"


The next morning I woke up, to the smell of bacon. Scrunching up my nose, I stretched out my arms. Looking around the tidy room, where I would occasionally come in and just make sure there isn't any dust on anything. Moving my eyes over to the white door, I noticed a white piece of paper lying on the carpet.

I could swore that wasn't there last night.

Not really wanting to get up, just yet, I dragged myself out of the soft and warm bed as I made my way over to where the paper lied. Bending down, I picked it up and unfolded it.

Hi, baby

It read at the top of the page in Jason's messy handwriting.

I'm sorry, but I had to leave for the business. Something went wrong with few deals. Will be back tomorrow night :)

Also I made you breakfast. I put it in the oven and turned the temperature on so it doesn't go cold since I don't know when you'll be up.

Love you,

Right. Of course. Rolling my eyes, I crumpled up the note. Business. Like I was going to believe that. Though it was surprising how this time he bothered to leave a note. All those other times he would just... leave.

Not wanting to dwell on that subject for too long, I unlocked the guest rooms door and walked downstairs. And as Jason had said the oven was on. Turning it off, I grabbed a nearby towel and folding it so that it's thicker and smaller, I grasped the plate.

The breakfast was nothing special, but it was a rather large serving. At least for me it was.

Grimacing, I took a sip of the orange juice instead and grabbing a cookie from the tray I had placed in middle of the kitchen island along with a fruit basket, I walked inside the living room.

It seemed like most of my time I spent in this room. Turning on the TV, a deep voice came through the speakers, "-he doesn't want to be caught."

Rolling my eyes at whatever crime show was on, I looked through channels for something decent, but there was nothing. As it was Saturday morning and so there's nothing good on Saturday nor Sunday mornings.

Settling on some movie that I wasn't interested in one bit, I grabbed my phone. Liane was really the only person that I could talk to. There was my mom, but she wasn't too thrilled about some decisions I have made in the past, so with that we - mostly I - drifted apart.

what's up?

Not even a minute later and Liane had already sent a text back.

is he gone again?

I didn't want to admit it, but I had to. Even if I wouldn't admit it, she would still know.

yeah :/

he made me breakfast and left a note under the guest room door

In reply I didn't receive another text, but a phone call. "What do you mean he left you breakfast?" Was the first thing she asked, when I answered the call.

"That's what I mean," I spoke in the device as I twirled the glass around. "It's actually a long story."

"I have the whole day free so go on," she encouraged. And so I did, the next three hours I spent telling her everything that had happened over the past few days and her just listening to me go on and being the good friend that she is.

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