3 ♛

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THREE // "there's my baby,"


I was never allowed in his office, not even when he was home. Honestly I can't say that I was never allowed, there was a brief period of time when he didn't care if I walk in there or not, but then he started locking it whenever he wasn't in. Sometimes he would even lock the door while he was working.

It's been three days since he came home in middle of the day and since then he hasn't been back. The way I knew how is that I never went to sleep before he hadn't came home. For some odd reason I left the front door unlocked and felt that if I go to sleep, someone might come in and rob the place. Jason probably wouldn't even notice that.

So here I was standing in front of his office, debating if I should go inside or not. I think he forgot that when I moved in, he gave me this key ring with bunch of keys that were labeled, one of them being the key to his office.

If I walked in, I would probably find answers to why he's never home and why he's so distant from me. A part of me wanted to do that so bad, but the other part of me couldn't bare the thought of going behind Jason's back like that.

Finally deciding on what I am going to do, I was about to push the key inside the key hole, when Jason's deep voice rang through the whole house, almost making me drop the keys. Composing myself, I pushed the keys inside the pocket of my hoodie and walked over to the stairs.

"There's my baby," Jason smiled the moment he saw me and taking two steps at a time, walked upstairs to where I was.

Don't think too much about this. He doesn't actually mean anything he's gonna say or do. He's gonna be back to his old ways by tomorrow, I had to remind myself, not to fall for his ways.

"How about we go grab lunch together?" He asked, both of his hands on my waist. "And then we can go get some junk food and have a movie night, what do you say?"

Pushing a smile, I looked at his gold chains. "That sounds amazing," I lifted my eyes up. His whiskey brown ones already staring at me.

"How have you been?" Jason asked from across the table.

Looking around the small restaurant we were seated in, I shifted in my seat. "I've been good," I set on lying, it's not like he actually cares. "lonely," I wanted to add, but just kept my mouth shut.

"So," taking a sip of his water, he sat the glass back down. "I was thinking about getting a dog. I remember you mentioning a dog awhile back–" yeah, like a whole year ago "–so what do you think?"

"If you're asking me if I have changed my mind about wanting a dog, it's a no," looking past him, I watched as the waiter carried two plates of food in our direction. "A dog would be lovely, the house wouldn't seem so empty then."

I knew that he wasn't going to actually get the dog. But I just went with it because it was better than just ignoring what he was saying. And I'm also sure that he missed the last comment I made.

Thanking for the food, I picked up my fork and knife as I started to eat. Anything just so I don't have to talk to him.

It hurt to know that I loved him, but he couldn't care less about me. If he didn't love me anymore, why didn't he just say so? Why couldn't he just end this? Tell me that he doesn't love me anymore and it would be best if we go our separate ways?

"I love you," as on cue, Jason whispered from his side of the table.

"I love you too," so much, you don't even know.

The whole movie thing was the most awkward thing I have ever lived through.

He didn't make any effort to actually cuddle or anything, and I wasn't about to do that either. Not to mention the awful movie choice. Things were already awkward, but Titanic really was the cherry on top.

Any other time, I would've been up all on Jason, but now I just wanted to choke on the food so I wouldn't have to sit through this hell.

"Remember our first date?" Jason suddenly asked, munching down on a cupcake. "We watched this same movie in that abandoned theater."

How could I forget? "Yeah..." I let out through my teeth.

Like I said... Awkward.

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