"Alright, but if you need anything. Don't hesitate to find me~"

He said with an obvious forced fake smile before walking away.

You sighed loudly.

I need a man- a papi chulo. Not spoiled rich kids.

That's when the words were taken right out of your mouth. Your breath hitched as you gazed on with enchantment. You had no words; the most beautiful being you've ever seen at this god forsaken school.

He wasn't just tall- he was tall. A staggering 6'4. He had the height, and the body already.

Not to mention his face looked like it was carved by the heavens itself.

Such masculine, yet mysterious features. A being so beautiful- do people like this actually exist?

Alright- let's calm down. I'm pretty sure guys typically don't like a pushy girl.

You strolled over to the table he was sitting at with the young strawberry haired kid. There was also two girls sitting in front of them as they conversed.

You took a seat, plopping down next to one of the girls and they eyed you suspiciously,

"Umm...sir??" They both questioned, confused that a random guy, whom was actually a girl, decided to join their conversation.

"What? Carry on." You replied nonchalantly and the two girls sweatdropped.

"But- our time with Mori and Honey-senpai isn't up yet. You must be new, each guest gets a limited amount of time with each host. Depending on their popularity, the time stretches vary." One girl informed with a smile.

"Informative-" Was all you said after a moment of silence.

Even after hearing that you hadn't moved an inch, the girls just sighed and allowed you to interrupt their moment with the two hosts.

Now, the whole cutesy adorable facade wasn't winning you over any time soon. But the silent type sitting next to him? That's a hell yes.

You crossed your legs, all fancy like before trying to whip your hair around sexily like in the movies and commercials.

Only, rather than it being sexy it looked like you were having a seizure while sitting up.

"So- what's your name?-" You questioned the attractive silent teen.

No response, the male in front of you only studied you with a blank look in his eyes.

"A man of few words I see-" You said, attempting to act sophisticated.

You returned the same blank look, looking him up and down as if you were about to pick a fight with the man in front of you,

"Staring contest!"

You yelled, startling the girls next to you. Your presence slowly started becoming more of a nuisance to them.

Your eyes watered as the silent male's dark grey blue eyes pierced your soul.

And after drowning in agony, you blinked.

"Damn it! I'll get you next time~" You chuckled, pointing finger guns and doing a weird swooshy dance.

The girl beside you gasped lightly,

"Watch your profanity!-"

(A/N: Watch your profanity; does anyone know that vine?? Haha)

"I'm sorry! I meant- Dang it!-"

The brown haired girl in front of you furrowed her eyebrows before turning away from you in disgust.

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