18. (H!E Bomb P.2)

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*sorry about the false upload*

//Credit to whoever drew that Edd up there. Also, it's not related to this chapter at all lmao.

It was the second week of Edd being missing and both Matt and Tom were worried out of their minds.

Tom would constantly tap his fingers anxiously, looking out of the corner of his eye at the phone. Matt had taken it upon himself to methodically clean Edd's apartment every day as to never let dust settle. He claimed that it couldn't be messy when Edd came back. Tom occasionally offered to help.

With the leader of their group gone, the two had no choice but to become closer; to aid each other when their resolve broke.

The nights when his anxiety got too bad, Tom would drink. He would just keep going and going until Matt physically stopped him. The ginger would look after him the rest of the night, and comforted him in the morning when he would be ailed with a monstrous headache.
And when Matt had emotional breaks and couldn't bring himself to eat, Tom would coax him into having at least one full meal a day.

Without each other, they would probably be dead.


Pat and Pau were worried.

Tord had hardly been out of the lab since he started the exorcism. Sometimes they would hear screams followed by the sound of violent retching.

Of course, they never entered the lab. They remembered the last time someone had entered without Tord's permission. That was when they were still in the Army.

Flashback Sequence: Activate

It had been snowing that day, as it often did in Norway. Pau, Pat, and a new recruit named Hellucard had just gotten back from a mission. Pau, like always, had crashed the jet, and their flight back to the base had been delayed for a week. In that time, the Red Army captured a prisoner from the opposite side, not that the three of them had been told that.

Hellucard bid his good-byes to the two older soldiers and bounced happily back to his quarters. His first mission had been a success! (For the most part!)

That night, he was sitting in his cabin with the two other newbies playing games and bragging about things they had accomplished.

"You know that task I was assigned?" The Canadian started, blue eyes sparkling, "Well it turns out Red Leader's right-hand men were tasked with it too! Beat that!"

Todd, Hellucard's first best friend, smiled devilishly. "Oh yeah? Well I helped capture a prisoner."

The other boy's looked at him with wide eyes.

"A prisoner? Really?"

"Yep. Red Leader's getting information out of him as we speak."

One of the boys, Ben, sighed wistfully. "I wish I could hear all the dirt that he's spilling, personally. Red Leader always hides information he thinks we don't need to know."

"I know, right?" Todd looked down.

Hellucard plucked at a loose thread from his pajamas. "We could always just... sneak down there..." He hesitantly suggested.

The other two immediately brightened.

"Brilliant idea!" Ben exclaimed, "Let's go!"

*Time Skip cuz I'm lazy*

Hellucard, Todd, and Ben peered around the corner into the lab. Their mostly innocent eyes widened in horror at what they saw.

There he was, the Red Army's leader, injecting weird purplish blue fluid into the prisoner's arm as the poor man screamed and thrashed.

His skin was dotted with bruise-like marks that seemed to spread and grow with each passing moment. The man's entire body convulsed and his face contorted grotesquely as his teeth elongated.

The boys were frozen with fear and all they could do was watch and listen as the man's screams deepened into demonic roars before his body gave one last shudder and the prisoner went limp.

Red Leader tutted disappointedly. "Didn't even make it through the second stage." He turned to mark the results on a clipboard and his eyes landed on the three recruits.

Ben and Todd turned and fled, but Hellucard -poor, poor Hellucard- was too paralyzed to do anything. 

His mangled body was used as a reminder to never, ever, enter the lab without permission or certification.

End of Flashback

So Pau and Pat turned a blind eye to the screams, in fear.

//ehhhh, filler chapter. I also watched Coco yesterday! That movie is 👌👌👌👌👌//

What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd- WATTYS2018Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon