How and why?

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"Eh?" Was the first thing that the pure blood prince said in a surprised and slightly shocked tone.

"What the...?" For next, was being said by Hanabusa Aido in the same tone as Kaname Kuran.

"Why... IS HE SO CUTE!?" The pure blood princess squealed and held a baby in her arms and spinning it around too.

What's happening, you asked, reader-sama? Well, allow me to explain.

Let's rewind back of what has happened 2 hours ago.


Zero and Yuki are the same as usual, on duty. Everyone from the day class has acknowledge the fact that everyone from the night classes are vampires.

The squeals of loves and screams shouted out when the doors opened. There, elegant vampires came out of the said doors. 

Kisses came from mostly Hanabusa, even though he had confessed to everyone he's gay, Shiki being the quiet type as usual, Rima eating pocky, Ruka, outstandingly beautiful, walking besides Akatsuki, Takuma and Kaname, well waving. 

In favor though, Zero may be emotionless most of the times, but he's certainly Kaname's boyfriend and loves him. Everyone felt envy, but respected that as everyone know that Kaname has loved him too. As for Yuki? Well, she's with Sayori.

Hanabusa was humming and stopped up to Zero and Yuki. 

"Ah, Zero-chan! Yuki-sama! Glad I saw you guys. You guys are off duty right?" Hanabusa asked in a cheery tone. 

"Yes, we are. Why do you ask?" Zero asked politely. 

'Wait, but Zero is always cold to all vampires!' Is what you're saying, isn't it, reader-sama?

Again, let me get the details on. 

After the incident with Rido from 4 weeks ago, the academy was rebuilt and soon, Zero has found no hate to vampires at all. When he sees that they came back, he greeted them perfectly, fairly polite, which obviously surprised them. This made them very happy and Zero was able to smile more because he's glad that he followed the saying 'Yesterday's enemies, are today's friends.'. That was also the day that Kaname and Zero became lovers too.

"Well, you see, I have wanted to test this experiment with everyone from the night class, so is it alright if you two were to join?" He asked willingly.

They both think about and thought why not. 

They both nodded and the noble left them with a smile while waving too.

After they were gone, the day class went back to their dorms, except for the two prefects.

Zero and Yuki just dressed in casual outfits. There's nothing about duty today since it's their off day.

The two vampires went to the night class and was greeted by Seiren, who popped out of nowhere scaring the level D and the pure blood.

"Jeez, Seiren. Don't always pop out of nowhere. Sorry we kept you waiting." Yuki said from a scolding matter, to her usual tone.

"Sorry, and it's okay. You have just arrived in time. Please follow me." She said gesturing the two said prefects to follow her.

They passed from hallways, to huge corridors with big ass doors.

"I wonder why our anime has huge ass doors when we've had enough space?" Zero asked in wonder and never knew what's gonna happen next.

Yuki shushed him so no fourth wall issues. (Whoops I tipped and broke it.)

They came across a door with the said word, 'Laboratory'. 

Seiren gave a few knocks. From the other side has yelled 'Come in!'.

The violette twisted the doorknob and see that Kaname, Takuma, Hanabusa and Shiki are all inside.

The three outside came in the surprisingly unexpected lit lab. 

The first thing that Zero did was sprinting a little towards Kaname and cuddle him in returned for the pure blood prince doing the same with pecking the top of the level D's head.

"Thank you for coming you two! Also, Kaname-sama and Zero-chan, you can do your lovey dopey things once we're done, so don't do it now. And by lovey dopey, I meant ya know what I mean." Hanabusa gave them a lenny face in which resulted a heavy as rock hit his face.

"Right now, I wanted help and assistants of seeing that if this experiment will work. It's an experiment that we have to test on Zero though. Sorry Kaname-sama, but we'll be seeing if the serum will work on your lover..." Hanabusa said in a worry tone.

"It's fine. As long as it doesn't put any harm on him, I won't put your head in my collection." Kaname said in a protective voice and hugged Zero protectively as if he is a fragile piece of his life.

Hanabusa gulped and ask the people in the same room for the ingredients and assistants for stirring or adding carefully.

"Great! Now that the serum is finished, let me explain what it does, but remember, it's not fully 100% accurate unless it's tested and safe assures. The reason I choose Zero for the test guinea is to see if this can make him a fully complete vampire, and not a level D or E. If it fails, the antidote will be quite long, but not too long. At least 1 month." Hanabusa explained.

Zero was a bit nervous, but he trusted his friends. His boyfriend gave him a reassuring rare smile.

Zero inhaled a deep breath before he exhaled it. 

Hanabusa gave him the serum and smile hopefully.

Zero gulped down the liquid and soon felt strange.

His consciousness for his teen self, is lost, and is now...

End of flashback

A baby.

"What do we do now...?" Shiki asked, same emotionless, but adoring the adorable baby.

"What do we do now? We should be restraining my bro before he kills Aido." Yuki said in a calm tone with baby Zero still in her arms nibbling on a small keychain.

Yep. Someone better quickly restrain Kaname in terms of killing Hanabusa or else Zero may remain a baby.

"I've never expected that something like this will happen, so please forgive me, Kaname-sama!" Hanabusa plead.

Kaname looked over the baby and it caught the baby's attention and stretch his tiny arms out to him.

Kaname sighed. "You're lucky he's cute." He reasoned as he picked the baby out of his sister's grasp.

'What kind of reason is that!?' Everyone thought.

And that's how the crisis of baby Zero, started. How will they survive this in one month?

(Jacy: I'M DONE! My first VK FANFIC!

Jeff: Seriously, make your damn mind of what you want next time.

Jacy: I CAN'T HELP IT! Well, hope ya enjoy.

Jeff: There's too many walls that have been broken down.)

Zero... is a baby!? (Vampire Knight fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat