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Its been three days since I talked things out with Paul. He hasn't left my side since, and I'm not complaining.

Bella is suppose to wake up today so Paul and Jacob were at the house to protect me and Nessie- Jacob's nickname for her. She loves it and its a lot easier to say so the whole family except mom, grandma, and Edward call her that.

Ness has grown alot the past three days. To me I think she looks just like Edward except for the eyes. She doesn't really talk much so she uses her gift to communicate.

I'm still one of her favorites and I love it. She tells me I'm the funniest in the family, which is true. She loves Paul like a brother and I find it so sweet to watch him play with her.

"Babe, come on. Bella's on her way here." My dad said as he came up to my room. I nodded and slapped Paul's butt to wake him up.

He groaned and pulled one of my pillows over his face. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of bed. I quickly changed and then headed out.

Five minutes later Paul finally came down and stood next to me. I had Ness in my arms and she was playing with my hair.

'When's mommy and daddy coming back?' Ness asked as she placed a hand on my cheek. I bounced her around in my arms, "they're on their way now babygirl." She smiled, nodding.

"You're good with kids." Paul winked at me. My dad growled and stood over my shoulder. "Don't even think about it mutt." I rolled my eyes and Ness laughed.

Paul and my dad were having a stare down when the door opened. Everyone froze for a moment before moving around me and Ness.

The baby in my arms wiggled around in my arms trying to see around Jacob and Paul. I had to tighten my girp on her to keep her from jumping out of my arms when Bella and Edward walked into the room.

I passed Ness over to my mom amd had my way to Bella. Paul tried grabbing me but I heated up my arm to burn him a little.

He growled when Bella took me into her arm. I ignored him and hugged her back. "You look great Bells." She smiled and pulled away. "So do you. I see you forgave your mutt." She hissed.

I sighed, "he's my imprint. I couldn't be without him for long." She nodded and looked over my shoulder. I heard a giggle and knew she was watching Ness.

I moved out from infront of her and Paul soon pulled me back to his chest. I moved closer to him and held his hands in mine.

I watched as Bella held Ness. Everyone was stiff at first but then when Bells showed no sign of uncontrol they relaxed a little except for Paul and Jake.

I patted Paul's hand and pulled him up to my room where we talked for the rest of the night.

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