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Tonight was another bonfire and we all were being forced to go. At least there was gonna be food.

"Boys grab something and head down to Billy's." Sam said. Emily always cooks most of the food for the bonfires so there's always a lot for us to carry.

I grabbed some of the containers that held the hot dogs. Jared was beside me and we waited for everyone else.

When we got to Billy's we set up the food and then I was assigned to make the fire. Once it was lit and big enough I headed over to the guys.

"I can't believe we have to help the Cullen's again man." Jared said, growing. I rolled my eyes.

When Jake, Embry, and Quil went to Bella's graduation party the pixie bloodsucker had a vision of an army coming for Bella.

We all got dragged into it because Jake offered the packs help. If I was Jake I would say fuck Bella and that we wouldn't help. But no, he claims to be in love with her.

Everyone knows he didn't imprint. Even he knows it but he refuses to accept it. He is convinced that she's his imprint.

I say fuck eveyone and the whole imprint idea. I don't wanna imprint. I don't wanna be forced to love someone. I wanna find love on my own time, which is gonna be forever from now. I like being free and to have all the girls around me.

"Just think about it this way, atleast we get to kill some blood suckers." I said, slapping Seth on the back. He elbowed me and looked around before smiling and running off.

"Jake." I rolled my eyes as i saw Bella here. I noticed a kid in Jake's arms but ignored it when Emily said we could eat.

We all raced to the table but were stop by Emily. "Act like you have some house training boys." We all let out playful growls, laughing. Emily rolled her eyes at us and moved so we could get to the food.

Jared was first and he pilled his plate with hot dogs. I laughed at him when Emily tried taking some of them back.

I grabbed a plate and started putting food on it. I guess i was taking to long cause someone was telling me to hurry up.

I glared at Seth before my eyes trailed to the little girl in his arms.

I froze as I looked imto her light eyes. I felt gravity shift and it was no longer holding me down to earth. It was this little girl infront of me. I stared into her eyes seeing our future. Our million dates, first kiss, all the kisses between, our wedding and honeymoon, then it was her round with my babies and then it flashed to us on the beach surrounded by our kids.

"Shit." Seth mumbled. The girl finally looked away from me and glared down at Seth. "That's a bad word Seth."

She pitched his nose and i felt jealous of him. He had my imprints attention, instead of mine.

"How about you go over to Bella and I'll grab your food." Seth said, setting her on the ground. She nodded before stretching up to look at the food.

"I want two hotdogs with that red stuff and some chips." Seth nodded and my imprint took of running towards Bella and Jake.

"Good luck with that." Was all Seth said to me before grabbing his and my imprints food.

I watched as he walked off to Jake. He headed my imprint her food and started eating his.

I quickly grabbed my food then went to sit by Jared and Embry. Quil was behind me with his food.

I sighed and sat down on the grass, leaning back on the log. "You imprinted, didn't you?" Jared asked making everyone in the pack look at me.

I nodded, looking over to her. Eveyone followed my eyes and were shocked. "And you guys made fun of me thinking I'd be the only one to imprint on a baby." Quil said, patting my shoulder.


I was eating when i noticed I didn't have a drink. "I'm gonna get me a drink." Bella nodded and continued to talk to Jake and Seth.

I ran over to coolers and flipped open the lid. I pushed the ice around, trying to find my drink.

I finally found it and closed the lid back, I turned to leave but ended up running into a pair of legs. I looked up and saw the boy that was staring at me earlier.

"My bad kid." I frowned. I hate being called a kid. "My names Dementia not kid." He laughed, nodding his head. "I'm Paul."

My neck was starting to hurt from looking up at him. I reached my arms up to him and he picked me up. I got a better look at him and I blushed at how cute he was.

He carried me over to Bella but kept me in his arms. Jake and Seth were glaring at him while Bella just looked at us shocked.

Paul slowly set me down beside him and was about to turn away when I grabbed onto his hand. "I wanna sit with him." I said to Bella.

Jake and Seth were about to say no but Bella slowly nodded his head. I squealed and grabbed my plate. I gave it to Paul and he lead me over to his seat.

As we got closer his friends turned and stared at me. I shyly moved so I was hidden behind Paul's legs. I grabbed ahold of his shorts and he looked down to me.

I smiled at him which he returned. We reached his seat and he sat down. He patted the ground beside me but I pushed his hands off his lap and jumped up.

His friends laughed at that. "I'm Dementia." I introduced to them. "Well I'm Jared, that's Embry, Quil." I nodded, looking at each of their faces.

Paul held my plate infront of me and I reached for a chip. "So who'd you come with?" Jared asked me. Everyone was watching me.

"Bella. I finally got to leave the house to hang out with her." They nodded. "You said you finally got to leave?" I nodded.

"Mommy and daddy never let me leave the house. They say I'll get hurt." I felt Paul's chin rest of my head.

I leaned back against him. He was warm and it felt good with the wind blowing.

"Who's your parents?" Paul asked, finally speaking up. I reached for another chip. "Rose and Emmett. They adopted me when I was a few months old."

They all got tense and I heard a growl come from Paul. I was about to say something but was cut off by a man in a wheelchair.

He called everyone's attention and looked around to everyone. "Who's that?" I whispered to Paul. He looked down at me, "that's Billy. He's Jake's dad."

I nodded and turned to look at Billy. Paul pulled me closer as he started telling stories about the Quileute legends.

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