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"Princess wake up." I opened my eyes and saw daddy standing over my bed. I yawned and reached out for him.

"Oh my gosh! Today's the wedding!" I cheered when I was fully awake. Daddy laughed, nodding. "Time for the torture to begin." I giggled.

Alice was making everyone get perpared early. I was gonna help with Bella so I was excited.

"Esme has food for you and Bella downstairs." I nodded and let him carry me to the kitchen. On the table was two plates of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

"I gotta go but I'll see you in a little." Daddy said, kissing my forehead. I nodded and continued eating.

"Boys out now." Alice yelled walking down the stairs. I laughed and finished off my food. "You done sweetie?" I nodded.

"Ok head on up to my room. Oh and take Bella's food." Alice ordered. I grabbed the other plate and took off running up stairs.

"Here's your food Bella." She thanked me and grabbed it from me. "So are you excited?" She blushed making me giggle.

"You sure have grown a lot in the past two months." Bella said, pushing back my hair. "Grandpa said its gonna be this way for a while."

Ever since the newborn fight my growth rate has sped up. I know look about 6 or 7 and each day I look a little different. In the book that was left with me when my birth mother was killed, it says I would stop aging when I look about 18.

The book also says my powers should be coming in soon, which I really haven't been looking forward to fully. Grandpa said I would have to train with one of his friends for a while.

"Ok while Bella eats lets get Dem ready." Alice said walking into the room with mommy behind her. I nodded and skipped over to them. Alice pulled me into the closet and held out a long bag thing.

"Go put this on." I nodded. I pulled it from the bag and changed into it. "Mommy its so pretty." She smiled at me, nodding.

"Ok lets fix those curls." Alice messed with my hair until each curl was in place. When she was done mommy painted my nails and then gave me alittle makeup.

"Done now time for Bella." She shoved Bella into the chair and started on her makeup.

I did her nails and they looked pretty good when I finished. "Mommy can I go see daddy?" She was doing Bella's hair so she nodded.

I took off running, "be careful in that dress Dementia." Alice yelled after me. I laughed and took off to find daddy.


"Ok places everyone!" I was sitting in Daddy's lap and he was letting me play on his phone.

"Where's Dementia?" I heard Alice yell. "Princess you better go before Alice has a heart attack."

He set me down on the ground and I took off to Alice. "I'm right here." She sighed and took me to my place. "You go right after me and Jasper. Count to fifteen then start walking." I nodded and grabbed my flower basket.

I was trying to look out the window but daddy was blocking it. "Is Paul here?" I asked Jasper. He shook his head, "Seth is the only one that came." I nodded.

I waited impatiently until it was my turn to go. I walked out tossing flower petals as I went. I smiled at Seth who gave me a thumbs up. I giggled and walked to the end of the isle.

Daddy picked me up. "How'd I do?" I asked, as we sat back down. "Great baby." He kissed my nose and I sat back in his lap.

Bella and Edward stared at each other saying a few words every once in a while. "You may now kiss the bride." Edward smiled and leaned in towards Bella. As soon as their lips touched I started the clapping.

They were up there kissing for a while and me and daddy laughed. "Bout time." I said when they finally pulled away. Edward stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed again.

"Party time!" Me and daddy yelled at the same time. He took of running ahead of everyone to the reception.

"I'm gonns go see Seth daddy." He nodded amd set me down before going to mommy.

I walked around looking for Seth. I finally found him with Billy, Sue, and Charlie. "Seth!" I leaped into his arms and hugged his neck.

"Lets go dance." He laughed and carried me to the dance floor. "Why didn't Paul come?" I asked as he set me down on the ground.

"He has patrol." I nodded. We danced for a little then he picked me up, walking to Edward and Bella. Billy, Sue, and Charlie were over there too.

"Congrats man." He said hugged Edward. I hugged Bella then jumped into Edward's arms.

"I hope you'll be happy Bella." Billy said smiling at her. "Thanks. Have you heard from him?" She asked referring to Jake.

He left a few weeks after the fight and no one has been able to get ahold of him.

I missed him. He was like my best friend. Although i have a lot of best friends.

"I'm sure he wishes you the best." Bella nodded, frowning. Billy rolled off with Charlie and Sue behind him. Seth carried me off to my parents. We danced for a little.

"When are we eating?" I asked mommy. "As soon as Bella comes back." I looked over my shoulder and saw Edward coming towards us.

I reached out for him amd he moved us around dancing. "Where is she?"

He spun us around. "Jake showed up so their out there dancing." I smiled, "Jake's here?" He nodded.

"I wanna see him." Edward laughed. "He's back home so there's plenty of time." I nodded.

"Let me dance with my princess." Daddy said coming over to us. Edward nodded and handed me off. He walked off and I turned to daddy.

"Can I see Paul tomorrow?" He sighed and carried me to our table. "I guess. Here or there?"

"There. I wanna go swimming." He nodded. "I'll call him in the morning." I reached for the cake that sat on the table.

I was Edward walk towards his table with Bella. "Emmett go give a speech." Alice said walking by our table to hers. Daddy sighed and grabbed his glass before walking to the little stage.

He tapped on the microphone, "hello? Is this thing on?" Someone whistled and he smiled.

"I'd like to propose a toast. Bella I hope youve gotten enough sleep in these last 18 years cause you won't be getting any in a while." It was quiet except for the Cullen's laughing.

I giggled as daddy came and sat back down. He kissed me and mommy.

Other people went up and gave speeches. Charlie's was funny because he was threatening Edward. Bella's mom went up amd sang and I think she was drunk.

The rest of the time everyone ate and talked. "Its time Bella." Alice called skipping to Bella and pulling her into the house. I held mommy's hand amd we walked to the front of the house.

Bella and Edward soon came out and we all threw rice at them. I tried hitting Edward with all mine. He would turn and stick his tongue out at me and keep walking.

Soon they left and I was off to bed. Daddy tucked me in and I reminded him to call Paul.

He kissed me goodnight and left. Soon I fell asleep, dreaming of my own wedding.

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