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I was sitting by my baby's bed as she sleep. Its been about a year since she entered my life and I love her with all of me.

We decided to name her Dementia Ray Cullen; Jaspers idea. He said it meant loves the earth, and everyone thought it fit perfect for her.

She fit right in with our family. Emmett smiles more with her in our life and it warms my dead heart knowing he finally has a baby to care for. It still bothers me that I can't give him his own child but Dementia helps with that feeling.

She has brought everyone closer as a family as well. She loves Alice and Jasper almost as much as she loves me and Em. Carlisle and Esme are the "Greatest grandparents in the world." Edward taught her to play the piano and even Bella gets along with her.

My baby is smart, so it didn't take long for her to figure out what we were. I tried my hardest to keep it from her, but she is a very curious girl.

"Mommy?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down to see my baby finally awake. "Hey babygirl." She reached up towards me, wanting me to pick her up. As soon as I took her into my arms she hugged my neck and slowly fell back asleep.

I smiled at her and carried her downstairs. Emmett came and took her from my arms so I could make her breakfast. This is basically how every morning went. I would wait for her to wake up, she would but then go right back to sleep as soon as I picked her up. Emmett would take her and cuddle her while I made her breakfast.

I finished her pancakes and eggs and she soon came running in with Em beside her. "Thank you mommy." She kissed me before jumping up in her seat and started eating.

Emmett kissed her head before coming over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder. We stood there waiting for Dem to finish her food. "Daddy is there any games on today?" She asked with food in her mouth.

Emmett nodded, smiling down at her. "She is such a daddy's girl." Dementia finished off her food and put her plate in the sink before hopping in Em's arms.

I smiled as she kissed his forehead before smiling down at him. "I love you daddy." Emmett smiled, showing off his deep dimples. "I love you to baby."

"I love you mommy." She smiled over at me. I leaned over and kissed her nose making her giggle. "I love you too sweetie."


I was watching a football game with daddy. I didn't like either of the teams so I was just watching it to spent time with my daddy.

I moved to sit on his lap and his arm went around my little body, pulling me closer to him.

Yes, I was a daddy's girl and I enjoy it. I have him wrapped around my fingers and he doesn't even realize it. I could make him play dress-up with me right now if I wanted to.

"You got you a little fire cracker right there Emmett." Edward said walking into the living room with Bella right behind me. I stuck my tongue out at him making him laugh.

I rolled my eyes at him before smiling at Bella. She smiled back at me, walking over to me. I reached up for her and she took me into her arms.

"When are we gonna hang out Bella?' I was jealous because she always got to go places like the beach. I've never been to a beach and I want to. "Well I have plans tonight that you might be able to come to."

I squealed and wiggled around in her arms. "Lets go ask." She nodded and carried me out to the backyard where mommy and Alice were. "Oh mommy." She turned and looked at me, laughing.

"Yes baby?" I jumped into her arms and when she caught me I gave her my puppy eyes. "What do you want Dem?" She asked me smiling. I turned and looked to Bella and gave her a thumbs up.

"Can I hang out with Bella tonight? Please Mommy?" Mommy glared at Bella over my head and I pouted.

"Please mommy?" She sighed and set me down, grabbing my hand. She pulled me inside to were Daddy was. Bella and Alice were behind us. "Babe, Dem wants to hang out with Bella tonight. What's you say?" I looked at daddy giving him my puppy dog eyes. I knew he couldn't resist the eyes.

He sighed, and opened his arms for me. I ran into them and he sat me down on his lap. "Please daddy. I never get to do anything fun. I'm a princess locked away in a tower." Everyone laughed at that. Its true though. Edward laughed again, nodding his house.

"Please." I said to both my parents. They both sighed and slowly nodded their heads. "Yes! Thank you." I hugged him both.

For the rest of the day I was excited for tonight. I spent the day helping Alice rearrange her closet. She has a lot of clothes so I was super tired after a while so I took a nap in Jaspers arms. When I woke up I ran downstairs to Bella, "Its time to go."

"Lets go get you ready then." She said, picking me up. She took me up to my room and got me dressed. We went back downstairs and I hugged everyone goodbye. Daddy took me outside to Bella's car and made sure I sat in my carseat. I kissed him bye one more time and Edward pulled away from the house.

We drove to a certain point and then Edward stopped the car. I looked and saw another car in the road. A shirtless man stood in front of the car, waiting for something. "Lets go Dem." Bella said, helping me out.

Edward told me to walk over to the dude. He was big, not as big as my daddy though. He ignored me and continued to watch Bella and Edward. I giggled when they started kissing. The boy looked mad, maybe he liked Bella.

Bella pulled away and walked over to us. I waved Edward bye and he smiled down at me. The tan boy pulled Bella into a hug and she awkwardly patted his back. "Jake this is Dementia. Rose and Emmett's kid." He looked down at me and smiled.

I smiled back and then let Bella pick me up. "I forgot the carseat so you can just sit in my lap." I nodded. "Where we going?" I asked Jake. He smiled over at me and then started the car. "To a party." I giggled.

I sat back in Bella's lap looking out the window. "Look Bella. Its the beach." I said pointing out the window to the water. "Jake I wanna go there."

He laughed, "I'll take you there another day." I smiled and sat back again.

We soon pulled at the house. "Is this your house Jake?" He nodded. I hopped out the car and walked over to Jake. I wanted him to pick me up so I could see better. I reached my arms up towards him and he slowly picked me up. I giggled at how awkward he was holding me. I wiggled around until I was comfy.

Us three walked over towards a fire and a bunch of other people. A boy ran over to us, smiling. "Jake." I stopped listening to them and looked over towards the fire. Some people were talking to others, some glanced over to us and some were eating. There was a boy with a plate of about ten hot dogs. "This is Dementia." I looked down to Jake. "Dem this is Seth." I nodded, smiling at the boy.

"Come on your dads about to start." Seth said before running back down the hill to the fire. Jake lead us over and sat down on an empty long. "Seth, will you take Dem to get some food?" Bella asked. He nodded an grabbed me from Jake's arms.

"So kid, how old are you?" Seth asked as we waited in line for food. "I'm almost three." he looked shocked. "You look like your five." I nodded, its true I grew weird. Grandpa said I would understand it in a few years.

"Paul come on man." Seth yelled to the boy that was holding up the line. He looked back at us. His eyes glared at Seth before slowly moving up to me. I blushed as I saw his body freeze.


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