Visiting District 12

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Chapter 2- Cato

It has only been two months since I've seen little Smokey, but I feel so excited to be going back to see her. It's only April and I'd last seen her in February, but I can't contain my elation of visiting the coal filled district that is her home. My father had been planning a trip to visit districts and drop off products made in District 2, and I'd nearly begged him to death to take me with him.

"Why are you acting so weird, Cato? District 12 isn't that exciting, considering it's the most scummiest district of them all." My father had chuckled, as we sat in his study.

I felt my blood boil, but I managed to keep it contained. Just because they're the poorest district gives him no right to call them scummy. I tried to think of a more believable idea, that would convince him to take me with him. Then I thought of something...or someone who could possibly change his mind about leaving me home with my mother and older brother. Haymitch, District 12's only living victor.

"Well, I'd like to visit Haymitch. The district's victor. You know get a little more tips about the Hunger Games, and maybe, if he's up to it , he could possibly train me a little." I said, pleading with my father desperately.

He chuckled behind the newspaper that he'd picked up and started reading. He lowered it a little, so that I could only see his eyes. They were a cold, crisp blue; like mine.

"Really? You expect that old drunk to actually teach you something? I think not. Now run along and go train or something, because you're staying here." My father said, his voice laced with finality.

I took his following silence as my cue to leave and that the conversation was over. And my father's answer was not subject to change. I quietly exited his study, trying not to slam the door behind me out of rage and went to my room to grab a jacket. I leapt down the steps, not bothering to be careful, as I had more important things on my a certain girl in another district and how I was going to get back and see her again. I passed by my mother, who stood in the kitchen, already beginning to prepare dinner.

"Cato, honey? Where are you going?" She asked, removing her oven mitts and following me to the door.

"Just going to train, Mom, but I'll be back by the time dinner is ready." I replied, zipping my jacket.

She nodded, a small smile on her face and gave me a quick kiss, before going back to the kitchen. I left my house and began to walk around my district. I wasn't really going to the Training Academy, but I was going to Brutus's house in the Victor's Village. He was the only person I knew who I could share my most treasured thoughts and feelings with, because most of them he could understand, no matter how ridiculous. My patents already hate the outlying districts and my brother just likes to tell all my business. All the houses in the Victor's Village are occupied, but I know exactly which one is Brutus'. I've been there so many times.

When I'm at the doorstep of house 13, I knock on the door. While I wait, I pull my jacket a little closer to my chest, the sharp wind seeping its fingertips through my spiked, blonde hair and every opening if my jacket. Suddenly, Brutus opens the door in sweatpants and a plain shirt. He roughly pulls me inside and throws me into a chair.

"Whaddya want kid? It's to early in the morning for me to listen to your problems." Brutus said, flopping into a chair beside me and scanning my face.

I frowned. It wasn't anywhere near morning time. It was 4 in the afternoon. I decided not to say anything, and told Brutus exactly what I wanted.

"I want to go to District 12." I said bravely.

After explaining everything to Brutus about meeting Katniss and visiting District 12, he'd finally agreed to take me back, but only for a while. He told the Peacekeepers in the Justice Building that it was an urgent matter that he and the victor of twelve needed to discuss in person, while he purchased tickets for us. Now we are sitting on the train to District 12 and I can barely tell it's moving. My feet are frequently tapping the floor and Brutus eyes me with concern but I brush it off.

"5 minutes until we reach District 12." A voice says from the train's intercom system.

The five minutes passed quickly and before I knew it I was back in District 12, ready to see Katniss and see how she was doing. After explaining where to come after I was finished meeting Katniss, Brutus let me run off to find her, taking our bags to Haymitch's house. I practically sprinted to the woods in excitement and climbed underneath the fence as quickly as it would allow me. Once I was in the woods, I began to calm down and try to slow my rapid breathing. I had a handsome image to maintain. I continued walking and behind some bushes, I heard sobbing. I pushed them aside and found a hunched figure with a braid; Katniss.

"Katniss? What's wrong?" My voice was laced with concern.

Katniss lifted her head from her arms and her eyes were red and blotchy, and her nose was running a little. She looked so broken, so different from the strong, closed off girl I'd met the last time I was here.

"The mines. They killed my father." She sobbed.

My mouth dropped open in shock and I pulled her into my chest and let her cry. From then on, I vowed to protect her from any harm. Seeing her like this has ripped my heart in two. I'll always be there for her. No matter what.

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