😇I needed a favour😅

Start from the beginning

"Um... you should go sleep now babe. It's 2 In the morning." I said looking at my watch. She nodded like a child and smiled. "You going home? It's dark out there!" A concerned look.

"C'mon now go go" I planted a kiss on her forehead. She just stood there frozed by my action. I smirked, shooing her in a joking manner, as I headed to the door.

Lily's pov;
I stared at him in awe until he left. I couldn't say anything. I was like ... dunno .. frozen?

Haha very funny! Duh!


"Lily!!!" I woke up to hear a scream.

And the person screaming

Was none other

But my mother

Rubbing my eyes, I ran downstairs.

"What is it mom? Stop scol..." My voice trailed off as I saw what my mother was pointing at. Oh holy shit! I totally forgot to clean up last night. Ah damn. "What's going on here so early! seriously?" Dad and Zac also rushed into the living room. Zac shot a naughty glare at me and smirked, like he knew everything.

"You owe me an explanation there missy? Why is empty pizza boxes and cans here on my living room carpet and couch!" My mom said, Rollin her eyes at me. Ah! What am I supposed to say now.

There's no way in the fucking world that I'm gonna just say 'oh mommy it's nothing much. I invited sia over and Liam came uninvited and after a while the school Archer came, uninvited and he asked me to dance. And since i have this mild crush on him, I said yes'

That will be just too awkward now and I don't want any more trouble. So I started mumbling. "Um.. mom? It's just a get togeather with Sia. Nothing much hehe... I mean we stayed up late watching tv and we both fell asleep on the couch. And she woked me up in the midnight and we went straight to bed after. Er... sorry mom I'll start cleaning up now" I said sweetly, trying to lie convincingly as much as I could possibly manage.

But trust me. I sucks at lying : (

"That dosnt explain this!" Mom scolded, picking up a leather jacket. I immediately recognized it. And I saw zac's smirk turned to a frown.

So that means Zac had no idea that Archer came last night?

Your so dead. Kiki

Shut up

"It's Liam's."

"So Liam didn't came but your saying this jacket came by itself?"

"Mom? Liam came..." I sighed.

"Ok tell me now who else came?" My mother said in a low tone. I knew she was doing everything she could not to lose her temper.

"No. That's all."

"Ok clean this mess now before breakfast. And call Sierra too." And with that mom and dad went to their room. Also means now I have to face with Zac. I tried my best to ignore him but his stare was making me uncomfortable.

"What was Archer doing here last night?" He fainally asked after what seemed like forever. He's never talked to me like that before and his voice was huskier than usual.

"Umm.. what do you mean by Archer?... I dunno ...its Liam's ..hehe I think he forgot it?" I said trying to avoid his eyes.

"I'm serious Emylia and since when did Liam started using Archer's jacket and perfume!" His voice boomed in the living room as Sierra came in defence.

God! When did she woke?

"Stop it Zac! She's gonna cry!" Sierra yelled, wiping off a tear that slid across my cheeks.

"Why in the bloody world should I? Then you better have better dummies, WHORE!?" He was loosing it.

Sierra bit her lower lips gently before saying..."yeah I do! So what Zac ! Yes ARCHER was here because I asked him..so what! Your gonna beat up your sister because of something I did! Huh? Yh I know I'm a slut! A whore you say? SO WHAT! IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSSINESS.. YEAH I SAID I LIKE YO-" "Sierra stop it" Zac held her hands both looked into her eyes deeply before saying anything. She was crying and sobbing now. It hurted so much to see her like that. "I didn't mean anything I said....ok? Stop crying I... am so SORRY..." he said after a while. I guess he really felt sorry for her! He shouldn't have fucking called her a whore. She's not one. She's never been one.

"I'm sorry!" He shook his head, releasing her hands free and stormed to his room. I hugged her with so much enthusiasm and I couldn't help it but cry. I know right! I was supposed to be helping her right now.

"Sia you shouldn't have....for...meh...you really shouldn't..ha-" "it's ok Lily sweetheart stop crying." She said stroking my back to comfort me.

"I'm sorry Sia.. I really am." I was sobbing at this point now. "Shh it's ok please don't.. its Ok"

We cleaned the mess up in no time at all. But none of us were in the mood to do anything but I told Sierra to stay today as well.

We were in our room freshing up a little after cleaning. "Lily! Sia! Breakfast is ready." Mom called as I got outta the washroom. "Just great! 'Cause I'm not in the bloody mood to face my family. Who knows when Zac might open up his freaking mouth about Archer being here last night!"
I whined and Sierra nodded agreeing with me.

We fainally went to the kitchen after mom called us like 3-4 times. I just didn't wanted to make her even more upset.

I noticed Zac's stare at me. It made me uncomfortable and mad at the same time.

"What the fuck are you staring at Zac!!"


Hellows and bellows my sweetest readers and followers. How are y'all? *throwing air kisses* lol I'm sorry for the late update tho. Hehe just finished an inter school competition. Thanks god and I was lucky. Soooooorrryyyyy .... so hope y'all love it. Keep voting voting AND voting plus feel free to comment your ideas and improvements.

With lots of love
=Shy-soul =

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