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It was finally Friday; the day Phil and I would work on our science project together. The project was to create a map of human anatomy in a creative way. I don't understand why we needed partners, but I guess it'd be nice to finally make some friends over this project. Phil seemed pretty nice anyways.

Hey Phil what time should I come over?

I texted him and he texted back immediately, a bit like webcam boy would.

Around 4:30 ish, 5 may be better cuz that's when my mum leaves

Oh it's fine, I wouldn't mind meeting your parents! Besides I live kinda far anyways so if I came now I might be there by 4:50 lol

I guarantee u won't wanna meet her but suit urself


Bai x

I giggled at the x he left at the end. He was too sweet, I just hoped he wasn't faking it. Before grabbing my keys and leaving, I decided to message Webcam Boy and tell him what was up.

Oi boi, I cant talk today. I'm goin to someone's house for a school project

Webcam Boy
Oh, that's funny. I'm having someone over for a project and I was gonna tell u I couldn't talk. Aha x

I snickered. Wouldn't it be funny if Phil was Webcam Boy. That'd be a treat. After running downstairs I yelled out to my mum that I'd be leaving.
"Bye Mum, see you later!" I called out, jingling my keys.

"Where do you think you're going?" She shouted back.

"Out." I plainly replied. I slammed the door before she could say anything a left, blasting the radio and ignoring her texts.


After pulling into the driveway with Phil's address on it, I walked up to the door and knocked, yknow like any normal person would, but after doing so I heard glass breaking. I flinched and stepped back a few steps at the sudden noise, but I suspected it was just classic Phil breaking something. He did say he was clumsy after all. I thought it was Phil until a drunk woman stepped out holding the top of a shattered bottle swing the door open. I put on a shy smile and started to speak to her.

"H-hi... is Phil ho-" I was cut off before I could finish.

"Move, faggot." She said, shoving me to the side. I watched her get into her car and drive away while speechless. Still shocked, Phil pulled me into his house by my arm. He was breathing heavy and his hand and arm had glass shards in them.
"Phil are you-"

"I told you to come later." He huffed.

"Phil I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"I- I know... sorry you had to..." his voice was shaky and it sounded like he was about to burst out in tears.

"No, I'm sorry. I should've came later like you said." I looked to the side I fiddled with my fingers. "Want me to clean you up while you explain what's going on?" I smiled. He shook his head no to my surprise.

"I-it's not important." Phil stuttered

"It is to me!" I raised my voice, standing up straight to appear taller. He looked away shyly and bit his lip. I probably shouldn't have yelled. I grabbed his hand and he went pale.
"Phil, I'm still going to help you, and remember that you could tell me anything you need to say. We're friends, right?" I said warmly. His head perked up and he smiled back.

"R-right... best friends." He flashed a smile. I squeezed his hand and aimlessly looked for the bathroom to help him with the glass and wounds in his arm

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